Chapter 4

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The ride to the cinema was short but sweet, mainly filled with small talk and such. I tried to indirectly ask more about his family but his answers were brief, which kind of annoyed me. Why was he acting the way he is if he is committed? It's as if the universe doesn't like me or something, damn you Charlotte. Speaking of, we meet up with them in the ticket line. We jump the queue despite the many groans we hear from behind us of the people patiently waiting in line, which makes me feel kind of guilty. I brush it off and stand next to Harry.

"I've been waiting for this movie to come out for ages!" Cameron exclaims as the line moves a foot forward. 

"Which movie are we seeing?" I question and Charlotte turns to face me.

"365 DNI." She says with a smirk and I give her a confused look. "I haven't heard of it before, what is it about?" I ask, causing Cameron and Charlotte giggle to themselves.

"You'll see." Cameron says as they turn to face the front, the line moving by a few feet. I sigh and look up at Harry.

"Do you know anything about this movie?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"You know as much as I do unfortunately." He says and I groan, causing him to let out a low chuckle. "Hey, if Charlotte and Cameron are excited about it then it has to be good." He says again and I shrug. 

"I guess we'll have to see." I reply. Before we know it we've gotten our tickets and are walking to the highlighted cinema we are to be seated in. Harry holds open the big heavy doors for me and I thank him, looking down at my ticket and realizing that Charlotte and Cameron are seated in a different section to Harry and I. How bloody typical, I think to myself. 

"Cheeky bitch, she seated us in a different section to them." I say to Harry, holding out our tickets and showing him that we're a few rows behind them. He laughs softly and rolls his eyes. "Now I'm worried, what could this bloody movie be about anyways? The poster looked pretty suggestive." He says and I shrug as we make our way to our seats. Soon enough we are in our seats quietly chatting away during the pre-movie commercials, until the lights dim and the movie begins.


What. That. Fuck.

An erotic film? What on earth were Cameron and Charlotte thinking?!

I'm glad the lights are still out, otherwise Harry would be able to see how beet red my fucking face is. Harry seems pretty flustered too, I see him glancing over at me a few times in my peripheral vision. I try and avoid looking at him to hide not only my embarrassment, but also my arousal. How could I not be aroused? This whole thing is basically a porno!

I decide to sneak a quick glance at Harry, I can't help myself. I look at him and my heart flutters a little at the sight of him.

His lips are slightly parted and a little swollen from what I can see, he also seems to be out of breath. His hands are gripping the armrests, almost as if he is trying to restrict himself. I look back up to see him bite his lip, focusing intently on the big screen. His hair is disheveled, like he has been running his hand through it a lot. My breath is slightly taken away at his flustered appearance, it makes him look way more attractive than usual.

Just as I lightly bite my lip, his eyes catch mine and he turns his head towards me. I gasp not only because I've been caught staring, but also  at how dark and lustful his eyes are. His irises are almost non-existent as his pupils are so dilated, it almost feels intimidating. I ignore my rush of arousal as he practically stares into my soul.

"Don't bite your lip." He practically growls and my eyes widen, I release my lip from between my teeth to leave them slightly parted at how his words had effected me.

At What Cost? - H.S.Where stories live. Discover now