Chapter 5

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I barely make it in my front door without tripping over. This giddy feeling is so foreign to me, I don't quite know how to explain it. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, why did kissing Harry feel so good? Tonight's antics were wrong and definitely unexpected, but I can't help the butterflies that flutter in my stomach every time I think about it. His soft, full lips are driving me crazy.

When Harry dropped me off earlier I couldn't get my thoughts in order, I looked like a drunken idiot fumbling with the buttons inside the elevator. James, the guy at the front desk, stared at me like I had gone completely mad. Maybe I have, that would explain why my stupid legs feel like jelly. I stop and stare at the mirror in the hallway, taking in my disheveled appearance. I sigh to myself and take off my jacket, hanging it on the small coat rack that has been mounted onto the wall.

I sit by my phone for the rest of the night, anxiously waiting to hear from Harry. Just before I got out of his car he promised me that he would message me once he got home safely, it's now been an hour since he left and the drive to his house is apparently only 15 minutes. My phone goes off and I jump at the loud noise, only to see that it was Charlotte that sent me a message.

Lottie: What the hell happened? Are you okay?

Me: I'm alright Lottie, just a minor thing with Harry. He dropped me off about an hour ago. Have you heard from him?

I bounce my knee up and down, still waiting to hear from Harry. Did he make it home okay? Obviously not seeing as he hasn't messaged me yet. What if he's hurt? My mind continues to wonder until my phone goes off again.

Lottie: We haven't spoken to him since we were at the cinema. Do you want me to call him?

I think for a second before replying.

Me: No it's alright, I'll text him in a second. Thanks though Lottie x

Lottie: You always know I'm here to help, let me know how you go. x

I don't bother to message her back as I open Harry's contact, deciding that calling him might be better than texting him. At least it would put me out of my anxious misery by hearing his voice. I press dial and I hold the phone up to my ear, listening to the dial tone.




Just as I think he isn't going to pick up, the ringing stops and is replaced by another loud sound.

Is someone yelling?

A higher pitch voice speaks loudly over the other end in an angry tone, I don't think Harry meant to pick up the phone. My heart drops in my stomach as I realize what's going on.

"Who the fuck were you with?!" The voice yells so loud that I have to move my ear away from the phone. "Nobody sweetheart, she's a friend of Cameron's girlfriend." My heart sinks and my eyes widen as I hear Harry's pleading voice. sounding clearer than the other voice but slightly scared.

Oh no, the other voice must be Jacqueline.

"I saw you with her in the parking lot Harry, don't fucking lie to me!" She yells again and, if possible, my heart sinks even further. She saw us? Oh shit, how long was she watching us for?"

"Jackie she was comforting me, I was a bit upset in the movies so I stepped out for some air. She followed me to make sure I was alright." He replies, desperately trying to convince her. It doesn't seem to be working in his favor though as her shrieks get louder.

"You kissed her!" Jacqueline screams and I hear something shatter in the background. was this what he meant by being miserable? Oh god, what have we done? The screaming and begging goes on for a few more minutes, I can't bring myself to tune in to what they're actually saying until I hear a slap.

The phone goes quiet as my stomach twists in knots. Just as I think I'm going to be sick, Jacqueline speaks again in a quieter tone.

"Get the fuck out, and don't come back."

The line falls silent once again, but I can hear shuffling in the background as a door slams. A small sniffle catches my attention and I gasp softly.

"Harry?" I speak into the receiver. Half of me hopes that he hears me, the other half hopes that he doesn't. After a second I hear him speak, his voice cracks as he does.

"Jess?" My heart tightens as I hear how upset he sounds. He clears his throat before speaking again. "How-How much did you hear?" He asks, trying to cover up the sadness in his voice.

"I heard enough, are you okay?" I ask softly and he sighs, quickly giving up on masking the evident sadness in his voice. "Uh, I don't think so. Would you mind if I stay with you tonight?" He asks lowly, sniffling softly.

Should I say yes? The whole reason this has happened is because of me, it's probably not the best idea form him to come around, let alone stay the night. Jacqueline will undoubtedly find out about Harry staying here, I don't want him to get in anymore trouble!

"Of course you can." I say quickly, pushing all of my thoughts to the back of my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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