I hate morning zoom lectures (actual chapter not a/n)

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I was sitting at the table of Awsten and I's shared apartment. I was currently at UCLA to finish my masters program but due to the pandemic that was all taking place online now. ((A/N: I hate online school with a BURNING passion)) I was in a boring zoom meeting with my class and I was struggling to pay attention. Every two minutes I would pick up my phone to check Twitter and TikTok to see what my faves were up to. 

Just then, Awsten woke up and got out of bed to make our morning coffee. He would make his hot with almond milk and sugar and mine was iced with caramel flavoring and liquid sugar (because I'm extra). He grabbed two coasters for our coffees and sat down at the table next to me. He grabbed my hand and sweetly placed a kiss on top of it. I smiled at his gesture, "You give me a tooth ache." I said. "Nah, I think that's just your coffee." We both laughed at his dumb joke. 

After a few sips, Awsten grabbed my hand again and gently started to rub his thumb over it. "What is this lecture about?" he questioned. I groaned before answering back. "I don't even know anymore. I zoned out a while ago." He peeked over at the screen to see that the camera was turned off. He took his hand away from mine to place it lightly on my inner thigh. This caused my breath to hitch a little but I didn't think anything of it. Awsten took note of my actions, "Shouldn't you be focusing on your lecture? hm?" That really sent my mind racing but I still tried my best to use what very little focus I had left on my call. 

We stayed like this for another minute until he started to slowly move his hand upward toward my heat. That fucker continued to sip his coffee as if he wasn't doing anything under the table. I squirmed slightly in my seat at his movement. After setting his coffee down on his coaster, Awsten leaned closer to me. He moved my hair out of the way and started to nibble and kiss down my neck. Then, kissed right on my sweet spot which made me to throw my head back and moan a bit. This caused him to grab the back of head and pushed it forward while harshly whispering, "Focus." 

He continued working on my neck before telling me to take off my sweater so, he can kiss my collarbones and shoulders. While doing this, he moved his hand from my thigh and down my sweatpants. He starts to rub circles again but this time on my clit, over my panties. It was getting extremely hard to stay put but I wanted to be a good girl for Awsten. He removed his lips from my upper body and smirked, "Your panties are soaked babe. Do I really turn you on that much?" I gulp and nod yes to answer his question. He smiled at himself and then took his hand out from my pants. 

Awsten got up out of his seat to stand behind my chair. He moved my hair once more and undid my bra. Then he reached over from behind to cup my tits and massage them. My breathing was getting heavier and more apparent. "Can you stand up for me baby?" I nod again and he took a step back to allow me enough room to get out of my chair. He kicked the chair to the side before bending me over the table, careful not to hit anything on top of it. Awsten stroke his hand over my ass, "I need you to tell me it's okay to keep going, princess." "Yes, of course." I answered back sweetly. 

With that, Awsten wasted no time taking off my pants and panties. He stuck two fingers in my dripping pussy, pumping and curling them in me. Not too long after, he removes them and places them in my mouth to suck on. I lick all of my juices off his fingers before he takes them out. Then, he pulls down his own sweatpants and boxers. He enters my pussy slowly and waits to let me adjust to him. While doing this he traces small shapes on my lower back. Once he's certain I'm okay, he grabs my hair and starts to pound into me roughly. 

I had completely forgotten about my lecture until I hear my professor say, "(Y/N), what do you think?" Awsten slowed down his pace, "Go ahead sweetheart, answer him." I turned on my mic, "I- um, I apologize I seem to be a little lost in the notes. What were we discussing?" I ask in a quivering voice. "That's okay! This subject is a little tricky! We were talking about..." I ended up drowning out my professors voice again. I suddenly felt a sharp, stinging pain on my ass followed by a high pitched whimper from me. "I thought I told you to pay attention." Awsten says sternly. "I-I'm sorry, sir" I quickly apologized. 

Awsten quickened his pace again and I already started to feel close. My moans were at a higher pitch and I was about to let myself over the edge until Awsten yanked my hair and completely stopped his movement. He spanked me again which caused my to moan under him. "You don't get to cum until I say so. Got that?" "Yes, sir." "Good, we're going until the end of your call." I looked over at the clock on my laptop screen. There were six minutes left, which isn't much, but when you weren't allowed to cum it felt like forever. 

This time Awsten started at a teasingly slow pace that made me buck my hips back into him to feel more friction. As the lecture went on, Awsten's thrusts got quicker and sloppier. We were both close to the edge. "Well looks like that's time! See you all on Friday!" We hear my professor say. Awsten leaned foreword to place his hand on my neck and whisper in my ear, "What a fucking dirty slut you are. Letting your boyfriend bend you over the table like this and fucking you when you should be taking notes. I wonder what your professor would think if he knew his student was acting like a whore during his class." This was enough to send me far over the edge. "OH FUCK" I practically screamed as I let myself go all over Awsten's dick. 

Awsten lifted me slightly by the hips before pounding with even more aggression causing the whole table to shake and letting my coffee spill over. With a few more thrusts he was releasing himself inside me. By now we're both sweaty and out of breath. I feel Awsten exit himself from me and he quickly threw his sweatpants back on. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. From what I could tell, we were wandering over to the bathroom. I assumed I was correct as I then heard water running. Awsten set me down on the counter and told me to wait there. I watched him rummage through our cabinets looking for bubble soap and a nice lush bath bomb. He then squirted some soap in the bath and tossed the bath bomb into the tub of running water. 

He walked back over to me placing gentle kisses on my lips. I take my hands towards the end of his shirt and help him out of it. I place kisses down his neck and chest before he stops me to turn the water off. He takes his pants back off and sits in the tub, then motions for me to come over. I hop off the counter and sit in front of him in the bath, leaving my back to his chest. He wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me closer to him, while also whispering about how much he loves me in my ear. His soft, loving words and warm body against mine causes me to drift off into a peaceful sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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