Chapter 1 - What are you

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Chapter 1 - What are you

Iida was laying down on the ground with blood leaving his body as the hero killer was looking down at him with anger dripping out of the man that put the UA students brother on the hospital.

Iida felt so many emotions right now with the anger from the start still burning but the hero killer was slowly making the flame go out and replacing it with fear.

"you call your self a hero" Staine said as he looked down at him, angry to see another false hero and so young "you were filled with so much anger you forgot all about him didn't you" he said as he looked down at him.

After he said that Iida realized and he felt so stupid now, he let himself not only get into this situation but also forget to do what he is giving his life to do, and thats to be a hero.

Staine smiled evilly as he moved his sword up to his face and licked the blood that was on it "thats why your going to die tonight" he said in a fierce tone as his quirk activated and Iida felt all he muscles in his body stop as he couldn't move no matter how much he tried.

The Hero Killer put his boot on the head of young hero and moved his sword up to give the final blow "may your death bring a better world!"

Iida felt many tears go down his cheeks and on to the dirty ally way floor. Staine moved his sword up more and more ready to give the killing blow to the fake hero in his eyes.

"Shut up... Shut up..." Iida said in a weak tone as he felt the boot of the hero killer forcing his head down, "No matter what you say your still just a criminal that hurt my brother"! Iids said with anger as the hero killer looked down in disgust, but before he can do anything he felt a punch right in the face that sends him flying back

That punch made him feel so much pain on the right side of his face, he was able to get regaine his senses and land on his feet.

"The Hell?"

He looked up and sees a boy dressed as a military soldier (same as the picture on the book cover just the mask only covers his mouth and nose, not his eyes) Staine was confused, who was he looking at.

"what are you are you supposed to be, a friend of this false hero," he asked looking at him grabbing his sword off the ground.

Iida looked up and saw the back of the man that saved him "please leave this has nothing to do with you" Iida said in a pleading tone as he doesn't wanna get any more people killed.

"Quiet" the mysterious figure said in a emotionless tone witch made Staine look at him even more with confusion and wonder what is he, the kid moved his hand to his ear.

"I have the Hero killer in my sights... No, no, deal with the nomu" he said moving his hand back down and looked twords the murderer showing more of his eyes to the hero killer.

When his eye meet Stains, it made the Hero Killer flinch even for a second, 'his eyes they look... Lifeless like there's nothing... What the hell am I looking at,'

He could tell that the kid was skilled he didn't even hear him or see him until it was too late "hmmm kid if you think you can take me one on one you really must believe in your abilities then" Staine said trying to make the kid talk. But to no avail, as after he blinked he saw the boy in front of him and then he felt a hard pain in his stomach.


He groaned as then he felt a hand in his head that forced him down and then a hard knee right in the face making him bleed from the nose "fuck" he said as he tried to jump back and successful as he kneeled and looked at the kid tightening the grip on his a sword as he couldn't believe what just happened the kid just made him look like nothing "how was he so fast, his quirck!?" Staine said under his breath as he looked at the kid who was just waiting almost looked like he was playing around with his pray witch pissed Staine off

"listen to me kid I suggest you-AH"! He wasn't even able to finish as the kid kicked him in the face making him hit the wall of the building to his left "Ah..." He groans in pain as he drops down on the ground "How is this kid so good that I can't even see him move, his quirk has to be at play, but I can tell he is skilled as well I can't win this unless I taste his blood but that feels impossible" Staine said getting up looking to see where his sword is but then he got mad really mad as he looked to see his sword in the hands of the kid.

"Give up you're under arrest Staine, please give up and come quietly," he said in an emotional tone with pissed Staine off.

"what you think that I'm gonna give up that easily..." He wasn't even able to finish when he felt the metal on his neck as the kid was pushing him down.


Staine moved his hand to stop the sword so he doesn't bleed out of his neck "how" he said as he now knew the other how the other view looked.

"You done" the kid said with no emotions as Staine showed his anger.

"you bastard I will ki..." He was about to say but then a chop hit his neck and made him lose consciousness as the kid let him fall on the ground.

Iida and the pro hero couldn't believe it. The man who brought them to deaths door just got his ass kicked by what looked to be a 14-15-year-old boy.

Staine hit the ground hard. Then the kid grabbed his arms and put quirk canceling handcuffs on the man, he moved his hand to his ear again "it's finished he is cuffed, send someone to take him away and an ambulance to help two injured heroes" he said again no emotions in his voice.

He got up with Staine and put him down next to the building to his right, in a sitting position before turning his attention to the two injured heroes.

Iida was crying as he failed to avenge his brother and almost died if not for the whoever the person in front of him was, he heard footsteps coming towards him, when he looked up, he saw it was his hero of the night, look down at him before kneeling down, as he did Iida got to see what shock the hero killer so much.

He saw them the emeraled green eyes that had nothing, no emotions to be found it shocked Iida and made him question if a hero was in front of him.

"You ok," the kid asked him as Iida looked down to scared to look up

"y...yes," he said in a weak tone, to scared to even say that he cant move.

"good, someone will come and help you both," he said as Iida eyes never moved form the floor.

"understood thank you," he was able to say, he then heard the kid move to walk off as a vehicle could behead coming, Iida saw as the hero of the night was about to leave and leave them to be helped and Staine to be taken away to prison

"wait"! Iida said as it made the boy stop "please who are you" Iida said wanting to know the name of his hero,


The emotionless tone was heard before the boy disappeared as the sounds of sirens filled Iida's ears as he let himself finally rest and his body fall unconscious.


On a rooftop not to far from where the Heros Killers finial night of active duty ceme, the hero of th night who goes by the name Deku watched as Iida and the pro hero were being taken in the ambulance as the pro hero was giving the police information on what happened.

"Had fun"

Deku hears in his ears, he looked at the Staine, as he was being taken away still unconscious. "Mission complete" he said in his emotionless tone, not really answering the question as he then jumped down out of sight...


(Hey guys hoped you enjoyed the first part of this story, I'm excited to start writing again and start writing my first story on Wattpad and my first My hero story, tell me what you liked and where I can improve 😁,

Like I said big up to 12RUA05 as I got inspired by his story witch you all should give a read 😁)

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