Chapter 5 - Mission Camp preparation

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Chapter 5 - Mission Camp preparation


Iida was walking down the halls of UA, he was walking to class very fast as he always wants to be there on time... Well on time for him which was usually 30-45 minutes before the bell, Iida was walking minding his own business when all of a sudden he heard someone "Hey four eyes!!"

Iida knew the voice he couldn't count how many head ackes the yelling gave him, he turned around to see Bakugo, "I have a name," Iida said as the nickname was starting to bug him.

"Yeah, yeah whatever I need to ask you a question," The explosion ash-blond said, Iida, looked at him waiting for the question "that guy that saved you, is there anything else you can tell me about him," He asked and looked at the class rep.

Iida was surprised by the question as Balugo wasent one to show interes in others problems, he shook his head "nothing that I haven't said already, why?" Iida asked.

"None of your business four eyes," the blond said before starting to walk towards the classroom passing by Iida, but he then heard a sign and looked at him.

Iida was thinking, h studded the floor a good second or two, before he finilyndecided to get it off his chest and say it, "...his eyes they were... empty" Iida said which confused Bakugo "when I looked into them I saw... nothing, it was scary and made me question whether or not I saw truly rescued," the blue-haired classmate said shakingly.

Bakugo looked at him and could see, Iida was thinking about them and was remembering looking into them "that's wired" Bakugo said before he started to walk off.

Iida just stood there and watched as hs classmate walked off not even bothering with the information.

Bakugo was angry as he still had no answers 'it can't be him, that nerd... Damit I got exams to worry about,' he thought as he got to the door of his classroom.



A man shouted as then twenty snipers were heard, bullets started flying towards a female, a female we know as Gin. She dodged the bullets easily, she smirked after she dodged them all. She looked at the person who said the fire a second ago and waited for the next round.

"She's improving," a voice that belongs to Alpha squads Dot said, as he watched his squadmate continue to train.

Next to Dot and was Storm. Storm was on his phone, he was chuckling wheel reading something on his phone, "what so funny" Dot asked as he was getting annoyed.

Storm looked at the dark-haired boy and smiled "oh nothing just reading some jokes online" he said with a goofy smile

Dot sighed "of course you are, be more serious during training Storm," he said annoyed by his antics.

Storm rolled his eyes "Hey we're on, break last time I checked, so let me use it to relax" he said as the longer-serving alpha squad member was also now getting annoyed.

The two started glaring at each other, if they were alone they would start fighting with each other. As the two were going at it verbally, Mommy could be seen resting on the wall next to the two watching Gin dodge the bullets easily 'i'm next, man I don't know how long I can take these two idiots fight, I can somewhat handle one clown but a clown and someone arguing with that clown now that something I can't handle' the braines in the Alpha squad thought.

Storm felt a hand hit him on the head "hey" he said as he looked to see who it was and he just got mad "why you lil" he said as he saw Gin who was done with her session now.

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