Chapter 5

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Update day! Chapter is dedicated to adijhan , thank you SO much for your support! I see your comments and votes and don't think I didn't notice those, I really appreciate them!

VOTE GOAL: 400 votes! I hope you guys enjoy, lots of love <3

Chapter 5


She needed to get away fast, she thought as she sped away from Blake.

"Calla!" He called out to her, trying to catch up to her but she evaded him, dashing between groups of people in the area. "Wait!" He kept pursuing her.

She broke free of the crowds and practically flew through the automatic sliding doors to the entrance of the airport. "Taxi!" She shouted over the bustle, hailing down a cab that thankfully stopped in front of her on time.

She thanked her lucky stars as she quickly jumped in, shoving her luggage next to her before slamming the door behind her.

"The Santos Botanical Garden." She gasped in stress as she watched Blake push past people and come closer and closer to her. "And step on it."

With that, she sped through the streets leaving Blake in the dust.


"Thanks." She said to the driver once he had dropped her off at her destination. She had paid him extra to speed through traffic lights to get here as soon as possible. With Blake chasing her, she needed any leads she could find soon and this shop had within its confines a man you can consider to be all-knowing in these parts of Ireland.

The driver merely grunted, taking the money before driving away. She turned towards the building. It was a small space, filled with plants surrounding the main structure that was not unlike that of a greenhouse what with its dome-shaped top and glass windows encasing it as a whole.

She walked forward, opening the door that made a small tinkling sound from a bell that announced her arrival.

"Heya! What can I do for you today?" A woman in her early 30s said enthusiastically, her accent think in the words she spoke. "We have bonsais, daffodils, sunflowers, you name it. Need it for a special someone?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in suggestion.

"Hi." She smiled at the woman despite her exhaustion. She could tell she genuinely loved her job and had an interest in plants. "No, I won't be needing any flowers right now but I might take you up on it later on." For the funeral she's planning for Paris when she finally finds him-- alive-- and kills him herself.

"What's your name?" She asked the woman.

"The name's Roisin Day." She said, holding a hand out to her to shake. "And what might yours be?"

"You can call me Emilia." She said, smiling at her. She didn't go around telling everyone what her name was, Callista that would just make it easier to track her down. Her second name was Emilia, though not everyone knew that so technically it wasn't a lie.

"Fine name you have." Roisin said. "Mine's so typical. And Day as a last name, Lord bless me. I'm just glad my future children are getting my husband's, Santos is an excellent name."

"Oh." Calla said in surprise. She didn't know Santos had a wife. He keeps his life more hidden than she thought. "Is Mr. Santos here, by any chance?"

"Aye he's here out back, hopefully he isn't fluthered." She grumbled.

"Fluthered?" Calla asked, not familiar with the term.

"It means drunk off his arse." Roisin said. "My husband fancies himself a wine enthusiast. Horrible liar, that one. He clearly only uses it to keep buying all those drinks from that place out on Henry Street."

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