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(ok just before we start I wanted to say that this will probably be a shorter chapter because i'm writing it in math class but anyways on to the chapter!)

Mirio POV~

    when I walked into the bathroom the crying person who I knew was Tamaki because of his white sneakers with the dark blue laces, was trying to muffle the sniffles and tears but it was still noticeable. I slowly make my way to the stall and knock on the stall door. I'm about to knock again when I hear a very quiet "go away" I was honestly a little surprised because i've never heard Tamaki talk to me like that so he must not know it's me. 

"Tamaki it's me, it's Mirio, please open up" I try to say as softly as I can. 

    slowly he opens the door with his head down and starts walking to the door of the bathroom. before he could leave I grabbed his arm.

"Kitten where are you going? Where're not talking. Why were you crying and don't even try to tell me you weren't because I know you were." I say softly but stern. 

"it's really nothing, I just got lost on my way to the bathroom."

"why were you in that store?" 

"what?" he was trying to cover up the fear in his voice but he's never been good at it. 

"that store for age-regressors?" 

Tamaki POV~

    thank god i'm a fast thinker because I had to think of a lie and FAST. "oh my cousin is a little so I was just looking at some stuff for him" that sounded pretty believable right? even if it didn't he seemed to buy it. so we walked back to the school dorms and I decided to go train for a bit to get the stress off whereas I couldn't regress because Mirio was in the dorm working on school stuff and there were other people in the common area. 

Mirio POV~     (wow again? so much Mirio this chapter)

    I wasn't actually planning on really studying all that much. I was just waiting for Tamaki to leave the dorm so I could snoop. I know I said I would try to get him to tell me what the box was, but ever since we got to the dorms I feel like he's been more secretive than ever. once he left I opened the door a peak to make sure he was out of sight. once he was I closed and locked the door and creeped over to his desk. once I got over I looked down at the biggest drawer at the bottom of the desk. finally I crouched down and opened the drawer to revel the box the I saw a few days earlier. I carefully picked up the box and walked over to my bed with it. I was sitting on my bed with the box in front of me when I finally opened it. once opened it first reveled a small coloring book with some pencils. I thought it was a bit weird that he wanted to keep something like that so secretive. as I lifted the coloring book and the pencils it made more sense when I found... 






(HAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER!!!!! jkjk i'm gonna write the next part like right now. also it ended up being longer than I thought it would sooooo.... anyway Luv Luvs!!)

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