There are lots of things you can do to help yourself stay focused, but many of them boil down to this:
1. Reduce environmental distractions
Turn off your notifications, close facebook if you have more than one tab open in a browser.
Find a quiet place to work where you won't be disturbed--I used to leave my house to write, even when I lived alone, because it felt like I couldn't stay focused in my house. There was always something else I could be doing, like cleaning or laundry, that I could leave behind when I went to Starbucks to write.
Consider using music to help you block out environmental sounds. I'm pretty good at blocking out environmental sounds in general, but when I can't music really helps.
2. Listen to yourself
When your body, mind, and/or soul says stop, listen. Don't press on because you think you "should."
Rest when your body says it's tired. I can't tell you how many times I've sat at my keyboard, head nodding as I fell asleep. I know I'm not being productive in those moments and now, rather than fight to stay awake, I take a nap.
3. Give yourself a break
Especially in 2020, we're all fighting for focus 24/7. We've been bombarded with news and crazy numbers that just suck the life out of us. Take breaks and allow yourself to be okay with them.
Self-Care is so important right now and whenever you want to be productive and focused. I know the spas are mostly closed and you may not want to go out in public much, but have a home spa day. Take an epsom salt bath; do your nails, even your toes; soak in the tub and read a trashy romance novel. Do whatever makes you feel grounded, connected to yourself, and relaxed.
What will you do to stay focused this week?
How to Stay Focused for Your Success and Well Being
Документальная прозаAre you scattered? Is your life a study in chaos? Consider these tips for staying focused to help you tame the chaos.