-you got us ARRESTED-

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"I can't believe you Mina" "look I'm sorry but he deserved it" the two girls continued arguing in their holding cell. Mina had gotten them in jail after some guy catcalled them and she beat him to a bloody pulp. "I mean yeah but STILL" jiro sighed and rubbed her forehead. Looking over at her girlfriend she leaned back against the jail cell wall and said, "I hate you for this" Mina replied while sitting down "yeah I love you too babes" Mina laid her head on jiro's shoulder and dozed off. they sat there for an hour or so until a police officer came in. He walked over to their cell and spoke "I got a bail for you ladies." Jiro nearly gasped in relief "how much is it?" Jiro replied to him. He spoke again "well since you're minors it's at about 80,000¥. No need to worry your mother bailed you out kid. Wake up your friend and get up" she was shocked. Her mom would NEVER pay that much to bail her out of jail. As she and Mina followed the officer their "mother" came into view. Holy shit momo had bailed them out. Mom waved them over and escorted them to the taxi she took to the station.

Thank god for momo being rich rich.

I'm sorry about this shitty chapter I'm unmotivated and this wasn't a well thought out chapter but it's all I could come up with deal with it I guess lol (kk I love you) see ya later loviesss!

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