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I awoke from my light slumber to the sound of a bed creaking. I got up from my bed to see the girl from the previous night climbing through the window. "Where are you going?"

The girl continues to climb out the window and down the building while responding. "Nunia."
I quickly got down from my bed and climbed out after her. "What's nunia?" Once I reached the floor I ran after the pink and brown haired girl who stopped at a corner. "Nunia business. So stop following me!"

I continued to follow the girl despite her protests and eventually she stopped in a shopping district. The girl spun around and put her hands on my shoulders. "Fine! You wanna hang out with me right?"

I nodded my head surprise at her sudden outburst. Some of the people around us turned our way before going back to what they were doing.  "Then your gonna have to prove yourself to me."

The girl then looked at one of the restaurants near us and pointed to a table that had a red purse on it. "See that purse on the table? If you get me the money in it I'll let you hang out with me, maybe be my friend..." The girl then turns away from me and tilts her head up while smiling smugly. "I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to or-" "Here you go."

The girl quickly turns around to see the purse floating in front of her. "H-How did you...? Is this your semblance? Doesn't matter, gimme that!"

The girl than grabs the purse and takes out the wallet from inside it and from that the lien. After retrieving the lien she puts the wallet back in the purse and hands it back to Me. "Put this back! Quick! Before we get-"

We heard the clacking of heels and turned to see a woman approaching us. She wore a red dress and high heels with an angry look on her face. "Give me that back you little thieves!"

The girl quickly grabbed me by the hand and began to run away making me drop the purse. I looked back at the woman to see her yelling at an exact copy of me and the girl standing directly in front of her. After a while of running we turned into an alleyway where we stopped and I saw the girl was more out of breath than me. "Are you okay?"

I attempted to reach for the girl but she batted away my hand and looked at me with an upset face. "I'm fine! I always get tired from using my semblance." "Semblance?" "You don't know what a semblance is? Then what did you use to get the purse and make it float?" "I just had Soft and Wet grab the purse." "Soft and Wet, what kind of name is that!?" "The name of my... Semblance?" "Show it to me."

"Okay but you have to tell me what a semblance is." "Fine." I summoned Soft and Wet and it appeared behind me. The girl looked in awe as Soft and Wet towered over us.
"So what's a semblance?" I made Soft and Wet disappear and the girl turned toward me and composed herself.  "It's pretty much a power you gain because of your aura." "Aura?" "Why don't you know about this stuff? It's pretty basic you know." "Ben said I can't remember anything because I hit my head." "Ben?"
"He was a sailor that took care of me while I was unconscious."

"I see..." The girl then took me by the hand and lead him to me store. Stepping inside he saw a young man at the counter wearing an outfit somewhat similar to the sailor uniform Ben was wearing but this mans was more blue. Seeing the two the man speaks up.

"Ahoy welco- Oh, it's you, I already told you girl, no money, no service. Just cause you brought your "boyfriend" won't change anything." "Shut up Steve, I've got money."

Steve took the money from the girl then gave the two a questioning look before saying. "Then I assume you'll have the flavor you were eyeing the last time you were here." "Yes." "And for your friend?" "I'll have what she's having."
"Two cups of Neapolitan ice cream coming up."

After a moment of waiting Steve hands us our Ice Cream and we move to sit down at one of the tables outside the store. After sitting in silence for a moment eating our frozen treat I ask. "What's your name?" "What's yours?" "My name is Josuke." "Josuke? Can't say it really suits you, I think I'll just call you Gappy."

"Gappy? Why are you gonna call me that?" "Cuz of that giant gap between your teeth." The girl laughed as I felt the gap between my teeth with my tongue.

"Fine but you still haven't told me your name."
A smug look came across her face as she told me her name. "Neapolitan, but you can call me Neo." "Well Neo, we should probably head back right about now shouldn't we." Neo had a confused look on her face until she realized what I meant.

"Your welcome to go back but I'll probably be staying out here for a while longer." "But I don't know how to get back on my own." "Then I guess you stuck with me until I head back." Neo then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me along as she ran. "Besides there are some things I wanna steal and I think your semblance can help."


The sun was starting to set now as we climbed back into the orphanage through the window we left through. There waiting in the room stood Emily giving us a disappointed look. "Josuke I will forgive this as it is your first day here at the orphanage and you didn't know any better but Neo we have spoken about sneaking out before and we have said repeatedly no stealing! Earlier today we had some officers come and tell me that you and Josuke were going around and stealing various things using your semblances." Emily then extended a hand towards Neo who held her bag of stolen goods protectively. "If you don't want to get into serious trouble you need to give back all the things you stole."

Neo held the bag close to her chest as she responded. "No way! Me and Gappy stole all this stuff fair and square!" Emily gave Neo a confused look. "Gappy?" "Yeah me and Gappy worked hard to get all this stuff and theres no way we're giving it back! Right Gappy?" Neo turned to look at me expecting me to agree with her. "Maybe we should give it back Neo this stuff isn't ours and besides were going to get into allot of trouble with the police if we don't."

Neo looked at me in disbelief before pouting and handing the items to Emily. "Thank you Neo. Now both of you head down stairs. Kevin will get you something to eat and you'll go straight to bed. Understood?" "Yes ma'am." "Josuke I'll introduce you to everyone properly tomorrow." "Ok."


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Readers: Another remake chapter?! and you got rid of all the other chapters!

Issho: yes

Readers: Are you gonna remake the book again?!

Issho: yes

Readers: WHY?!

Issho: yes

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