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"Why am I taking honours chemistry? Am I a sadist?" Kuroo whined into his textbook, sprawled out on the floor surrounded by a sea of loose pages.

Kenma sighed, shifting on his bed and placing the pad of paper he'd been doodling on beside him. "The word you're looking for is masochist. And to answer the question, yes you are."

It was a common scene. Kuroo often camped in Kenma's dorm room to study instead of his own, claiming that Bokuto was too loud of a roommate to study around, and that he missed Kenma, even if they'd already spent the day together. Akaashi always took it as an excuse to exit the dorm room that he and Kenma shared, and went to visit Bokuto.

There wasn't any reason that they hadn't all applied to formally swap, but it was a given that none of them were ever where they really belonged.

Kuroo stared up at Kenma, trying to process what he'd been implying with a puzzled expression. "Because of chemistry? Or something else?"

"Something else," Kenma teased. Banter with Kuroo had been a lot easier than last year when they'd been apart, the familiarity returning with such ease it was like they'd never even been apart.

"Watch your mouth, Kozume, or I might start thinking you're trying to seduce me," Kuroo laughed, throwing a pen cap at him in rebute.

Kenma dodged the pen cap with ease, watching it fall onto his unmade bed before turning back to Kuroo. "And if I am?"

That was enough for Kuroo to lose his smirk, instead watching Kenma with eyes blown wide. Kenma shook his head. For someone who always acted so suave, Kuroo was a flustered dork when it came to actions.

"Are you coming up here?" Kenma beckoned from his perch on his bed. It was all the encouragement Kuroo needed to abandon his chemistry work, instead opting to join Kenma on his bed. Kenma scooted across, seating himself firmly on Kuroo's lap.

In turn, Kuroo wrapped his arms around Kenma's waist, pulling him closer so that their bodies were pressed against each other, the cheap dorm bed creaking under their combined weight. Neither of them paid it any heed, instead pressing their mouths together in a heated kiss, Kuroo snaking one hand under Kenma's shirt.

Moments like this were good for the both of them, a break from their overload of university work, instead a chance to get lost in each other's presence.

They broke apart after a few minutes, wearing matching grins. Kuroo leaned forward to kiss the top of Kenma's nose. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Kenma rolled his eyes. "Honours chemistry."

A fake pout found its way onto Kuroo's lips. "You only want me for my brain."

That caused Kenma to resolve into a fit of giggles, whatever mood they had from before disappearing just as fast as it had come. It wasn't long until Kuroo was laughing with him, so loudly that Kenma wouldn't have been surprised if Ennoshita next door had heard him.

When they finally calmed down enough, they both flopped down onto the bed, Kenma's head on Kuroo's chest, listening to the steady thumping of his heartbeat.

Kuroo's warmth almost lulled Kenma to sleep, his eyelids fluttering shut, when he suddenly moved, grabbing the paper Kenma had previously been doodling on. "Hey, what's this?" He held it up.

Kenma whined at Kuroo's movements, bitter that he'd been disrupted from what was about to be a good nap. "It's nothing."

"It doesn't look like nothing." He pushed the page into Kenma's face.

Kenma sighed, sitting up. He had to accept the defeat of not being able to nap on his boyfriend's chest, something he had been very content to do. "Potential logos."

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