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A year had passed.

One very long, very draining year.

Kenma tossed his keys onto the small table by the door of his apartment, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the adjacent hook. Never had returning on a Friday night felt so insignificant. He had the inkling that he was about to develop a migraine, judging by the twinge in the side of his head.

It wasn't unexpected after the day he'd had. Running a company wasn't a walk in the park, it was bound to have its ups and downs.

Today had been a down. He had intended to sign a five-year contract with the MSBY Jackals as an official partner, but he'd gotten a bit flighty towards the end, and asked to reschedule the meeting. If he made his partnership official like that... he'd be expected to attend every match.

And he just didn't think he was ready to do that. Logically, he knew there was no sense in avoiding volleyball, he still sponsored Shouyou, after all. But something about being that tied to volleyball made his heart ache.

Kenma was making progress, he knew that. He got out into the world. Managed his company in an attempt to move forward, just as Kuroo had asked him to do. But the hollowness in his chest hadn't been filled - Kenma didn't think it ever would. Not fully, at least.

Thinking of Kuroo still hurt. The space between his fingers where Kuroo's used to fit so seamlessly still felt cold and empty. He'd still miss him forever, like the stars miss the moon. He tried not to dwell on it.

He didn't know he'd be able to see volleyball match after volleyball match and not instantly associate it with Kuroo, though. He wouldn't be able to push it to the back of his mind while watching five whole sets week after week. The facade he was gently balancing would surely crack under that kind of pressure.

He didn't want to be mistaken, either. Thinking of Kuroo brought him some comfort, too. It hadn't for a long time, for a little while it seemed as though Kenma's world had stopped turning, perhaps it had. In time, though, Kenma was able to find small solaces in his thoughts. In some actions, he'd think that Kuroo would be proud of him for it, or wonder what the smile on his face would have been when he told him. Sometimes he'd see something in a store that he knew Kuroo would have loved, and while it sent a pang of pain to his heart that he wasn't here to love it, Kenma was glad he still knew Kuroo well enough to memorise his taste.

Kenma turned on the stove mindlessly, filling a saucepan with water. He'd boil some noodles, or something like that. He wasn't in the mood to stomach much else.

The phone in his pocket buzzed. He didn't want to check it. He didn't care who was on the other end, in all honesty. If it wasn't going to be the one person he wanted to talk to (and it wasn't), then why would he check? It could wait for work hours tomorrow.

The buzzing wouldn't cease, giving Kenma two options. To check it like a reasonable adult, or to throw it against the wall and hope it smashed. While his second option was tempting, he thought it might inconvenience him later, instead opting to check it, like any normal person should.

Akaashi: Koutarou told me what happened today. (19:33)
Akaashi: You should have mentioned it to us before, we're here to help you, Kenma. (19:33)
Akaashi: That sounded too forceful, I'm sorry. (19:34)
Akaashi: Please talk to us. Do you want me to ring you? (19:35)

Bokuto: KENMA!!!!! dont beat urself up over today please! its okay we all totally get it, take all the time u need! (19:37)

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