10. Red hair and black hair

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"So why are you here with me polishing trophies on a Friday night Carmen?" Gideon asked.

"I'm a metamorphmagus, and I wanted to scare my friends," Carmen chuckled lightly. "But I don't think McGonagall thought it was as funny as I did when she walked in on herself screaming at the Maruders." Giddeons laugh was deep and charming.

"Why are you here Giddeon?" Carmen asked as she picked up a second quidditch trophy and began to clean the grey dust off with a wet rag she had been given.

"My brother was pissing me off, so I poured my couldron that was filled with sloth brain and a failed attempt at liquid luck over him during potions," at this they both chuckled.

Giddeon was a well built sixth year guy, he wasn't as tall as Remus but about the same hight as James. He had broad shoulders and big muscles, you could just see from his appearence that he was a beater on the quidditch team. Even though he had a slightly intimidating appearence and tough exterior he had a soft and playful heart.

The next two hours passed fairly quickly as they got to know eachother, they laughed, gossiped and talked about their overwhelming amount of school work they had been receiving. He assured her that it just got worse during sixth year, which did not make her feel any better.

Giddeon's initial intention with Carmen was to snogg her or atleast flirt with her honestly, but when they actually got to know each other, he realized he just wanted to continue getting to know her. Carmen Rogers was a lot more interesting than what he had first anticipated.


Remus was not in a good mood at all, and frankly niether were Sirius or James. Remus was mad at himself and felt jealousy bubble in his stomach, while Sirius and James felt an overwhelming need to protect Carmen from any guy who wasn't them. They really were trying their best to study but it just was not working out for them at all. The girls however, were able to study, but not until after they had argued with the boys about the whole situation.

"What if she likes him?!" Remus asked frusutrated while lying on the couch.

"She does not like Giddeon, Remus, she barely knows him," Lilly tried to comfort him from the floor knowing Carmen liked Remus, but she did not want to spill one of her best friends secret.

"What if he's touching her and she doesn't want to be touched?!" James asked equally as frustrated as Remus from the sofa.

"McGonnagal is there making sure everything is ok," Dorcas answered while continuing to write her herbology essay.

"What if she gets lost on the way back or something?!" Sirius said just as frustrated as the other two boys while spinning his wand between his fingers. Just as Marlene was about to answer the portrait swung open and Carmen and Giddeon stepped into the Gryffindor common room laughing.

"Hey guys!" Carmen smiled and waved at them from across the room, her pink hair lighting the room up. Sirius and James sprung out of their seats and borderline sprinted over to her and slung their arms around her shoulders. Carmen just giggled lightly while the boys on her sides stared daringly at Giddeon who shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

"Uh Car, would you like to go to hogsmead together tomorrow?" Giddeon asked her scratching the back of his freckled neck. Now Remus, Lilly, Marlene and Dorcas were all staring from where they sat. Remus sat there clenching his fists and having to hold back him self from doing somthing he would regret, knowing damn well that he would not win against Giddeon Prewett if he threw a punch.

"Sorry Prewett she's going with us," Sirius answered stone faced before Carmen could even open her mouth.

"We could drink a butterbeer together quickly at the Three Broomsticks if you'd like? Just like 15 minutes or so," Carmen asked with a sweet smile on her angelic face. Remus' heart dropped, did she like him?

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