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"Now please be careful (Y/N)! Growlithe and Squirtle can only protect you for so long!" "I know Ma I know! I won't be long I promise. Just going to the PokeMart." You close the front door and run off. You and your Growlithe running side by side, he was your first pokemon since you were 7. Growlithe was a birthday gift from your Dad before he passed away. You had to walk through a short bit of forest to get to the town. Suddenly, a guy in black shirt and pants with a big red R in the middle jumped from behind a bush, "Stop right there Trainer! I challenge you to a battle. If I win, I get your beloved pokemon, but if you win, you get $120." "Well.. alright then if you insist" the grunt smirked and threw out a Rattata, seriously? "Pfft well then, since you're already out, Growlithe I choose you!" Growlithe instinctively got in front of you "Rattata use scratch!" The Rattata proceeded to scratch Growlithe, barely did anything to him though,"Growlithe use fire fang!" That Rattata went down like a sack of oran berries. "Grrrr, fine then. How do you like Ekans then?" "Quite fine actually!" The Ekans poisoned Growlithe, He fainted. "Darn sorry Growlithe. Squirtle show em how it's done!" "Ekans use bite!" "Squirtle dodge it and use water gun!" Squirtle does it flawlessly and lands a critical hit on Ekans, who faints. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some money to collect and a market to go to." "Heh I like this kid's spunk, Vinny give her the money." A man came out of nowhere, he wore a black jacket and black pants to match, there was a noticeable red R on the left side of his chest, he also had black hair that was combed back. The grunt grumble a bit before handing you the money you won. "Thanks, can I go now?" "What's your name kid?" "Why should I tell you? For all I know you can trace my name and rob my house." He just chuckled "Strong and cautious huh? You and I are more alike then I thought." You didn't want to hear anymore nonsense so you just ran past them, all the way to the PokeCenter. You,however, were unaware of the female dressed as a normal trainer spying on you.

Archie (AS)
Summer was your favorite time of the year, the ocean was just right for you and your Mudkip. "Come on Mudkip! Last one down is a rotten eggsecute!" Mudkip sprint past you "Ha ha, guess I spoke to soon huh?" So there you were, swimming blissfully with Mudkip, until a boat pulled up beside you both. These people in blue uniforms began complimenting your Mudkip and asking if you were interested in joining Team Aqua, a group you have never heard about. "I appreciate the offer guys, but I don't think my Dad would be too happy about me join a gang..." "Well thats the thing little scamp, we're not some gang." You look up at the top to see a man in a dark blue full body swimsuit, he had an anchor around his neck. He pointed to himself "The names Archie, and I call the shots in Team Aqua! We want a better ocean for our world!" "Oh so you guys are some environmental group, that's cool! I'll have to ask my Dad first." You swim back to shore to call your Dad. "Hey (Y/N) what's up, something happen down there?" "As a matter of fact yeah! Some group called Team Aqua has asked me to join them, can I?" ".....Did you say Team Aqua?" "Uh yeas wh-" "Get Mudkip and come home right now." "What why" "Just please listen, Team Aqua is not what they say they are. They have been reported to break in and steal things. They're thieves" You end the call and go back to the beach "Uh sorry Archie but it looks like my dad wants me home at the moment, so uh I'll get back to your request later ok? Mudkip come on" You and your Mudkip fled the scene, you felt eyes on you the entire time.

Maxie (OR)
Your mom had dragged you out to the desert again to do some research on the recent earthquake, which was fine. You could play with your beloved Numel. "Alright Numie, you ready?" Your Numel started beaming with glee "Catch!" You threw a ball in the air, Numel caught it with ease. You hugged your Numel, being careful with it miniature volcano on its back. "Impressive, I've never seen a Numel with such speed." You look over to see a man wearing a long red trench coat, red sweater, a black vest, red shorts, glasses, and for the cherry on top, red hair. Has he never heard of the heat? "Thank you! But who are you?" "I am the great Maxie, the leader of Team Magma. Our goal is to better our world, humans take the land for granted and soon enough we will run out of room. We plan to expand the land for the greater good." "Wow that's cool! How are you gonna expand the land?" "Well we-" "(Y/N) who are you talking too?" You look over to see you mom walking over with her Flygon. "Good evening ma'am, I was just leaving." He turns to you "Perhaps one day you'll join Team Magma." He turned and left. "(Y/N) what have I told you about talking to strangers? Come on we're done here, hop on Flygon" you returned your Numel and flew off on Flygon. Little did you know of the red man and a couple of grunts were spying on you.

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