(1) Concert

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Eleanor's POV

"We should have a sleepover tonight!" My best friend, Amira said. She was very cheery and never seemed to frown.

"I'll have to ask my mum." I said, frowning. I wanted to have my first sleepover so bad, but my mom was probably one of the most protective that there was.

We were sitting in the ice cream store, sundaes in front of us. All except for my friend Sabrina, who'd always finish first, yet never seemed to gain weight.

"You always have to ask your mum!" Amira whined. I shushed her quickly, and Sabrina changed the subject.

"Guess what!" She said, smiling. "I got us all 1D tickets...!!!"

"OH. EM. JEE. When?" I asked, freaking out.

"Next weekend." She sighed. We'd been waiting 4 years for this moment.

"What about 5SOS? They are opening for 1D, right?" Amira asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.

Sabrina nodded. "Yes, and we'll be seated FRONT ROW!"

We finished our ice creams and walked out to the park across the street. We fed the ducks, then continued our talk. "But..." Sabrina said. "We will have to stay overnight. I have an extra ticket, for an extra parent. The most fun one, preferably."

"You're dad is most fun, obviously." I said. "But I don't really like 5SOS, I'd be bored the first 30 minutes."

"I know you hate them, but you'll be alright. Don't worry." Amira smiled.

When I got home, I went right to bed, even though it was only 8:30.

The next day, I got up, showered, put on some clothes and went down to breakfast. "Mornin' mum." I said. She had already approved to the concert last night, so I had nothing to worry about.

"Mornin' sweetheart." She smiled sweetly. She was in her 50s, but was so pretty. My dad was bald and had gray eyebrows.

We ate breakfast in almost complete silence, and after we finished I brushed my teeth. Aside from my dog, Frisco, barking, the house was completely silent when I left.

I walked 4 blocks to school. It wasn't a long walk, about 5 minutes.

I said hey to my friends before we walked to our classes. In my first class, history, I sat by my friend Miranda.

The rest of the week went by fast. Before I knew it school was over on Friday, and it was Saturday morning.

I decided to look nice for the concert, so I put on a dress (photo inserted). I had packed my things the night before, and we would leave as soon as my friends got to my house.

We left a good bit later, about 20 minutes. It would take 5 hours to get to California, where we were going. The concert was in Los Angeles.

We mostly talked, slept, read, or got on Twitter the entire trip. Sabrina's dad was driving, and I always got scared when he drove.

Five hours later we were in Los Angeles. We got a motel, and we were ready for that night. It was only 12:00 pm, we'd left early that morning.

We decided to go meet some friends. We went to Starbucks first.

"Hi," I said, walking up to a brunette about my height. She had on a 1D T-shirt.

"Hey!!!" She said. "Waiting for them too?"

"Yeah. Will they be here soon?" I asked, longingly.

"No one knows. We've been waiting hours."

"Oh." I'd met a few people, not many, like Sabrina. She got friends easily.

We sat in our hotel room, watching movies and playing games the rest of the afternoon. At 5:00, we drove to the arena.

"It's huge!!!!" I exclaimed. Sabrina must've seen the look on my face, she just laughed.

"Let's go!" Amira said. "We'll be in the back if we don't hurry!" She was nearly in tears. As was I, One Direction was a big deal to me. They wrote my favorite songs, and I loved them. I didn't really care for 5SOS, though. They were just four guys who were wannabe One Direction, without the cuteness and the talent.

When we handed the person our tickets, I saw Amira crying. "What's wrong?"

"I j-just can't believe we're d-doing t-this." She stuttered. I couldn't believe it either. I knew this was a once in a lifetime experience.

"I can't believe I'm gonna see 5SOS!!" It surprised me when she said this. This whole time I thought she was talking about One Direction, but she wasn't.

"What?" I said, confused.

"5SOS are here, they are actually in this arena, and One Direction!!!!" She screamed. 5SOS, who would get excited over four boys, one with ugly hair choices, one with a lip ring, one needs a haircut, and the other, I don't even know? Calum, yeah him, I don't even know. I. Don't. Even. Know.

"5SOS, I'm not that excited, but One Direction, yeah. I can't wait!!" I smiled, ear to ear.

"5SOS are amazing. You shouldn't judge someone because of the hair." She rolled her eyes. She knew I hated them, and that I hated Michael's hair choices.

The "5SOS" boys came out and girls were screaming in my ear. I gave some of them a dirty look, but after a while all my attention was attracted to the lead singer.

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