Moving On (part 6)

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Shakes with my favorite people :)

@jonahmarais bring me back a shake?
@seaveydaniel wow then who am I?
@kaycook Christina's outfit is a vibe
@corbynbesson i guess you're my favorite person or something :P
@jackaverymusic time to get ready for the game!
@imzachherron let's go win another game!
@tatedoll ready for cheer?
@chelsey wow what cuties
@frannyarrieta cuuuttteee
@gabbiegonzalez love this
@babynezza this is about to be an epic game
@crawfordcollins the girl in your picture is sexy as hell :)

"Annnddd Crawford ruined my comment section," I say, tucking my phone away as Christina drives the three of us back to school to get ready for the game.

"Hey ride!" She exclaims.

I grin and finish my shake, tossing it in the bag that our food came in. Christina pulls into the parking lot and we all get out and head to the athletic entrance. I see Jonah walking down the hallway towards us.

"Jo!" I call. He looks up from his phone and smiles, jogging over.

I hold out a fresh shake and smile. "Here ya go."

"You are seriously the best. Thanks Jules," he replies, taking a long sip.

"No problem. Christina and I have to go get ready, but we'll see you guys out there," I answer.

Jonah nods and walks to the locker room happily. I turn to Corbyn and smile.

"Good luck Besson," I say softly.

He smiles and grabs my waist, pulling me towards him. I feel his lips meet my forehead and I close my eyes for a moment. "Thanks."

I nod and kiss his cheek before I pull away and walk down the hall to the girl's locker room with Christina.

"You guys are so cute," she whisper shouts.

I smile a bit and look over my shoulder. Corbyn is gone.

"Thank you," I respond.

"What's wrong? I'm sensing a but," she comments.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "I don't know. Part of me still has my guard up because of Oscar. But another part of me is wondering why Corbyn hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend. Sure we kiss and we spend basically everyday together, but what if he just wants this fling and nothing more?"

"I don't think he wants a fling Jules. I've seen the way he looks at you and I've heard the way he talks about you. He wants you to be his girlfriend. Maybe he's just taking it at his own pace knowing you still have some unresolved things with Oscar," she explains.

"Yeah maybe you're right. I'm just overthinking. I mean really it's only been two weeks," I say.

Christina nods and we pull our cheer uniforms out to change. "Exactly. Give it time."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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