Getting fatter

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Lora was awakened from the sound of a door. Misty came into the room with a tray full of breakfast. "Good morning beautifull". She smiles "how are you?". Still half asleep I push myself up and find out im not wearing pajamas. My belly and hips are thicker and the fat makes them soft and squeezable. "Yea sure". I mumble as I try to hide my body.

Misty sits next to me on the bed
"Don't hide it, you're beautiful!". Her eyes shine "Here eat this". She places the platter full of food on the bed and I start to eat hungry.
With my mouth full of bacon I look at her "Delicious". The bacon makes me feel good and my stomach growls for more. As soon as I can I eat all the bacon and eggs, also the 4 pieces of toast and the milkshake go well.

The whole time I eat Misty keeps watching me. She has a grin on her face as if she looks proud. When she sees that the last few pieces of cake are difficult, she takes the blanket off me and rubs my painful swollen belly causing it jiggles from the all the fat. "Almost" she smiles as she stuffs the last cake in my mouth. It feels great. After eating, Misty keeps rubbing my plump belly. It feels so blissful that I almost fall asleep. Misty smiles and straightens me "We have to get ready for school". She jumps up and looks at me "This is going to be difficult, I'll check for clothes".

I happily stagger towards the mirror. My whole body is covered with fat but it looks cute. I playfully squeeze myself. This is so blissful and much better than being slim. Misty enters the room and hold up pants and a top. "Try this".
She comes up to me and hold the pants ready. "Get in". I sigh but do what she says. She pulls on the pants and tries to tie them but my belly gets in the way.
It feels very tight and while Misty pushes me on the bed, causing my fat get in the way even more, I get enormous gas. I start to fart from the pressure Misty is putting on my stomach. "Oh god Misty i guess (Farts) this won't work!".

Misty smiles "You're really going to be a piggy". She squeezes my fat and looks me in the eye "Suck in that gut". She pulls and close the pants making me fart again. "Good little piggy". I blush heavily. She grins and helps me up. I put on the way to tight shirt and we are ready to go.

Most of the students have already arrived because we are late. When we enter the class, the teacher continues the lesson. Frustrated, I pull my belly out of the pants. It hurts because it is way too tight. Misty points to a desk in the back. We sit down and I notice that my belly almost touching the desk. Misty looks at me proudly "Well doing piggy, just a little while longer and you're stuck in your chair". I get butterflies when she says that to me. She winks and the rest of the day passes like a blur.

When school is over I walk through the park with Misty. "Can I ask you a question?" I look at her. Misty turns her head "Sure you can!". I mumble shyly. "Did I go too far?". She smiles and turns towards me "No I think it could be much better, I love to see you grow" Misty answers. "I'm sorry if I push you too much, I just love to see you get fat and helping you when you're stuck!" She blushes.

Now I understood why she went to such lengths to make me eat. She loved to feed me and watch to see me gaining weight. Misty was a feeder! The feeling I got with that thought was indescribable, it made me warm inside.
" So you like ... fat women?".
I didn't understand it clearly. Misty smiles and takes my hand
"Certainly but especially to make them fat and play with the weight they added and off course see how their food works on their intestines". I look at her in amazement. She smiles back "And especially when they get too fat to fit through anything when I have to push them and feel all the fat in my hands and see your rolls of fat squeeze against the space you try to enter". This sounded nice and we agreed that she could be my feeder and order or buy my food. But whether this was a smart idea? that was the question.

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