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David groaned lowly, there was a weight on his chest. he mumbled and opened his eye's. he blinked slightly, his adopted son was sitting on his chest.

"Max?" David muttered.

"he's gone." Max growled.

"who?" David ask confused. there were so many 'he's' at camp.

"Mr.Honeynuts." Max growled. David groaned lowly and sat up stretching.

"you didn't leave him... in here....?" David ask, looking around the room. his room was normally organized but today it was trashed.

"no! I looked everywhere! all the tents, the dining hall, the Quartermasters store, even Gwens room! I can't find him anywhere! get up you have to help me find him!" Max said.

"okay Max, hold on. let me get dressed." David said, getting up. Max crossed his arms and stared out the window as his adoptive father headed to the bathroom to change.

"David! someone trashed my room!" Gwen hissed storming in. she paused seeing David's room the same with Max sitting on the bed. "you little shit!" Gwen hissed.

"leave him alone Gwen." David said walking out of the bathroom and stretching again.

"he trashed the camp!" Gwen hissed.

"and we'll clean it up as soon as we find Mr.Honeynuts." David said.

"WHAT!? you trashed my room for a stupid stuffed bear?!" Gwen hissed.

"he's not stupid!" Max shouted. David scooped the boy up and put him on the ground.

"come on, lets go find him before the other campers wake up." David said, taking the boys hand. Max glared Gwen down angrily and followed David. "okay Max, where'd you last see him?" David ask.

"in my bed." Max glared, pouting at him.

"okay lets just check your tent real quick." David said. Max nodded and followed him. they searched through the tent.

"he's not here." Max said, arms crossed over his chest.

"David." Gwen sighed. David poked his head out of Max's tent. there stood the rest of the campers, each looking upset.

"what happened?" David ask.

"they're missing things too." Gwen sighed. "space kids helmet, Nurfs knife, Dolphs paint brushes, Nerris' hat, Nikki's wolf blanket, Neils computer... thing, Ereds skateboard, Harrisons cards, and Prestons type writer." Gwen said. David pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I bet those stupid wood scouts did this!" Harrison growled.

"taking everyone's prized positions does seem like something they would do..." Neil offered.

"what'd they take from you Max?" Nikki ask curiously.

"the last thing my mom gave me before she disappeared." Max said. David winced slightly. by 'disappeared' Max, of course, meant that she was murdered by his father, when Max was 4. the man patted Max's head gently. of course the whole camp knew David had adopted Max, he bragged about it on and on anytime he got the chance.

"and we'll get it back. all of it. everyone will get their stuff back. no one needs to be worried." David tried to assure them. Max angrily grabbed hold of his arm and yanked him down hard.

"get. it. back." Max growled lowly. it hurt to call Mr.Honeynuts an 'it' but no one could know his secret.

"I promise Max. everyone will get their stuff back, just calm down." David sighed.

Mr.HoneynutsWhere stories live. Discover now