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Credits to TiffanyLy8 for the wonderful banner.


[ C H A S E ]

I don't know where to start.

Heck I don't even know what to do.

But one thing's clear though.

And that's how I would want this to end.

Afterall these crap and crazy dramas, I hope we find our way back and be best of friends again. Just like old times.


A lot of things has happened in my life the past few months. I've confessed my feelings to the girl I've had my eyes on since sixth grade only to be turned down, I've got dumped, yes and worst (well if getting dumped wasn't even the worst) I lost my best friend too.

Part of me regretted my decision. Sometimes when I'm alone and lost in thought, I would replay those days in my mind: those days when we would just laugh off the horrible moments we just had, those days when we were so bored we'd sit by the porch of Mandy's house and do nothing but count just about anything. Like how many bald people passed by in 1 minute or how many times Mr. Dawson would scream the name of his son because he wouldn't go home. Yeah, those good old times. I couldn't count how many times I 've called myself stupid for pulling off such act though, but I'm sure it was more than my fingers could count.

As that part of me continues to regret it, the other half would scream the oppossite. And I would realize that it wasn't the confession that I regretted doing the most -it was only a part of it. What I actually regretted was how I just let things happen after that when I knew we were beginning to pull apart from our little bond of friendship.

Yes, it hurt getting dumped. Yes, what I was planning would actually hurt. I mean trying to bury your feelings just to reconnect with your best friend is not easy. But if that's what it takes, then I'm certain it'd be worth the risk. Because if there's one thing I learned from all this? It's "life sucks without having your best buddy to fool around with."

And now, after thinking things through. I've made up my mind.

I won't let this school year end without fixing things between us because high school is just not high school if you graduate without your best friend. I mean, who are you gonna take those wacky after-graduation pictures right?



[A/N]: I do hope the crappiness and shortness of this chapter doesn't scare you away. I promise the next chapter will be a decent one and you'll be seeing more of the other characters in the next few parts of this story, so don't give up on me just yet. Yeah?

I know Chase seemed to be making a big deal out of this "reconnecting with bff" thing but trust me, bringing your friendship back to the way it was after having one-sided feelings mixed into the friendship ingredient isn't as easy as 1,2,3.

So that's all for now. Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more chapters! Don't forget to leave a comment and tell me what you think. Oh and maybe even a vote if you liked this one. But meh, I doubt it. Oh well!


That Thing Called The Friend ZoneWhere stories live. Discover now