Chapter 1

17 1 1

Alex's POV:

I stood in the small shower, the water supply now cut off. Endless drops fell from the tip of my nose as I ran my shaky hands through my hair. 'First day of school, come on Alex you can do this.' I sighed as I stepped out of the shower onto the cold, tile flooring. I immediately regretted it and I felt goosebumps travel up my arms and legs. I swiftly wrapped myself in a towel and did the same with my hair. I walked into my room and dropped the towel from my body. I grabbed an oversized black sweater and a pair of blue skinny jeans. As I slid on my jeans I looked over my faded scars running up and down my thighs and stomach. I sighed and threw on the sweater and grabbed a hairbrush. I brushed out my hair and headed downstairs to leave for school. My mom worked as a receptionist at a local hospital which meant she was out of the house a lot, so on days like this I was home alone in the morning. I ate a banana and threw on my old vans and grabbed my backpack and headed out. I'm starting my junior year here in Ohio and I'm currently 16 turning 17 in April. Although most kids this year could drive themselves to school, I did not have my license yet. Considering my parents fighting and the divorce and moving across the country, neither one of them could necessarily take the time to teach me the basics of driving. As I walked to the bus stop I shivered at the chilly, autumn air.
The bus arrived late. 'Great now I have to walk in late to class and not only will I be the new student but everyone will staring at me!' I tried to brush off the negative thoughts but they kept pestering.
At the main office I found my schedule and made my way to my homeroom. I took a deep breath and walked in. There weren't many kids in my homeroom, at the most 15 or 16. But my thoughts were correct, mostly everyone stared at me. I found an empty seat in the back of the room and took it. No one bothered to say hi to me or introduce themselves. My teacher didn't even greet the class when he walked in, let alone take attendance. This was going to be a boring day.

As I walked to lunch I saw a boy at the end of the hallway standing by the opening to what I assumed to be the cafeteria. He looked a little mental to be honest. I'm not normally a judgmental person in my own thoughts but hey, it is my own mind.
He was leaning against the wall, his arms sort of held in front of his chest, looking down at his hands; they were shaking. He looked as if he was talking to himself, mumbling inaudible things. You can see why I would think he was mental right? I decided to walk down there, knowing I had to get to lunch either way. As I walked towards him he seemed to have heard me because he quickly glanced my way, looking embarrassed he turned away and walked into the lunch room. As I entered the large, noisy room, I scanned the cafeteria for the boy. What I did see was a guy with blue hair. Hmm. He looks like a person I could possibly relate to. I cautiously approached his table, only to see the exact boy I had just seen in the hall way sitting next to him. I now stood at the edge of the table and I cleared my throat awkwardly. The blue haired boy looked up at me and looked slightly confused, then shocked, then happy. All at once..? He smiled at me. "You must be.. Alex? Right?" As soon as he smiled and he spoke those words he seemed A LOT friendlier than he looked from across the room. I smiled back at him "Yeah I'm Alex." I laughed quietly. "How do you know me?" I questioned. "Oh well my friend Tyler here is in one of your classes and-" He was quickly cut off by who I assumed was "Tyler" as he coughed quite loudly and spontaneously causing the blue haired boy to stare at him. "What?" Tyler raised his eyebrows almost to communicate something with him. "Ooooh okay... Well anyways Alex, the moody teen next to me is Tyler, and I'm Josh." He smiled as shook my hand. "Nice to meet you two." I laughed and sat down across from them. Tyler kept glancing over at me from where he sat, slouched over on his phone. We made small talk throughout lunch and Tyler even spoke up a few times. Finally lunch was over and I said my goodbyes to Josh and Tyler and I walked away. As I turned to look back at them Josh was laughing his ass off and Tyler was blushing bright red and then finally let out a laugh and it was probably the cutest and happiest laugh I've ever heard.
Finally the day was over and I walked out of the school to look around the new town. I walked around trying to find something to spark my interest. I suddenly turned a corner and found a large building with glass doors. It was a community center.
(A/n where I live we have "community centers" which is literally just a building with a bunch of multi-purpose rooms that you can use for like dance classes or parties or summer camps and whatnot.) All the different rooms had glass windows and a door looking into them. One of the main rooms was large and had wooden floors. It reminded me of a dance studio. Which is probably what it was used for. There were panels of mirrors along one wall and a small speaker with a radio in the corner. It wouldn't hurt anyone if I used the room for a bit right? Besides, no one else was here. I walked into the room and excitement took over and I felt like a little kid again. I ran over to the speaker and plugged my phone in and played a song. "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis echoed through the room and I smiled at the beautiful song. I was quite rusty dancing wise so I just sort of waltzed around the room spinning every once in a while, watching myself in the mirror. I timidly put small moves to the lyrics and smiled. I couldn't do much since I was in a sweater and jeans, so I finally stopped myself before I got hurt and I grabbed my phone. As I turned I jumped as I spotted no other than Tyler standing outside the room looking through the glass.

Uh oh is Tyler a creeper.
Lol he's not dont worry.
Read next chapter to find out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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