30| best friends

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"...i fucking promise."

weeks had passed, exams had started and somehow everyone was quite complacent with what was going on. gemma was still angrily attacking friday, but the angsty dark skin teen couldn't be bothered by her ex's crazy antics. she kept her focus on her exams and her friends.

walking into the lunchroom, her lengthy legs carried her straight towards her friends. people were still murmuring about what had happened to emmanuel, but it had lessened ... just a bit.

"i picked up our stuff for prom." fal said softly with her head in a chem book. "they're quite cheap, i don't mind paying for them. but, if i do, i'm not helping y'all pay for the limo."

"that's understandable," friday agreed while she ate fries off of japhethe's tray. "what did the thrift lady say when she saw you with all those suits and dresses?"

they had all agreed to get their prom attire from a local thrift store so emmanuel wouldn't feel left out. he still wouldn't accept financial aid from his friends, and they understood. he was a man filled with pride, and he had done tons of things to help provide for his family without the help of his father.

"she didn't say anything really," fal shrugged. "she just asked if it was for prom and that's all."

they had all settled into a conversation about their last exams and what they had planned on doing after graduation.

"don't look now, but thomas is coming this way." elise whispered and leaned into japhethe.

"the fuck does he want?" fal placed her book down and eyed the boy. she wasn't sure about him anymore. she was started to despise anyone who voluntarily dated or had sexual ties with friday. they all seemed to want to start drama every single time, and she was tired of them being disrespectful.

when the teenage boy arrived, he placed his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels. he was nervous, and ashamed. for what? he didn't know.

everyone turned to falon, as expected, they wanted her to speak for them. the brown skinned girl pushed her red locs to the side, then stood with her palms planted flat on the table, her face inches away from thomas' and she eyed him.

"what do you have to say?" her voice pierced through everyone at the table's ears.

"i'm sorry for being a dick. i'm sorry for believing someone i don't know, but—please understand that i still don't know if she actually did those things to—"

"you could've stopped at the apology." fal stood straight and folded her arms across her chest. "i don't care about your take on the gemma situation, because you don't know friday as well as i do. it's quite disrespectful that you even came here to apologise but yet you don't believe that she didn't do it."

"i—" he stumbled over his words. she was right, he didn't know whether to believe friday or not. anytime he thought about believing her, he'd remember how distraught gemma sounded. how hurt and traumatised. whether she did it or not, gemma was hurt, and he wasn't going to be apathetic about it. "you're right."

he turned to leave.

"i never said that you could leave chancellor." fal said. "even though you're a dick, we miss you. maybe not friday that much, but still." she cracked a smile and he grinned.

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