We've Broken Home

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Stan and Ben stood at the gate of an airport home, It had been a week, they needed to return anyway, not because they wanted to but they were out of clothes and didn't want to buy more, plus work. They both knew a interesting scene would be waiting for them once they arrived, I mean you don't just take off to a random country out of nowhere with your other friend not having any fucking clue where you went. Stan figured that the group might have panicked that they were both dead by now with their previous history of near death experiences and in Stan's case, death experiences.

"we're gonna be in deep shit when we get home aren't we?" Ben asked, Stan shrugged " we're 26 Ben, we're free to have our own lives and we had a right to leave." Stan started his voice stern. Okay so maybe Stan was still a bit upset but c'mon it had been 2 months! He dedicated himself for 2! Goddamn! Months! And to get cheated on as well, he had a right to be a bit offset by returning home. He also knew returning home meant facing the music, Bill would probably break up with hime and then he would just, exist in their shared house forced to watch them be happy while he suffers alone. He was also worried for Ben, he knew it wouldn't be easy for him either but they had assured each other that they would help each other deal with it. 

They arrived home soon enough, pulling into the driveway and heading up the pathway to the front door. Stan had planned for their flight to come home when they were all at work but that wasn't the case as the door was unlocked when they got home. They both took a breath,looked at each other , and stepped inside.

Richie was the first to greet them, he wasn't happy, "ah, look the two disappearing dipshits finally decided to grace us with their being again" his tone was mocking, shaming even. Stan sighed, "glad to know you were concerned rich, that'd be a first" he spout back with the same amount of spite in his tone. Richie shook his head and turned out of the kitchen" whatever I'm getting the others, they were worried if you even care to know" He left the room. Stan and Ben felt guilty, when they made the decision to leave they hadn't really thought of the reaction it would cause, they weren't really in the right headspace when they made it anyway.

Richie returned and the rest of the losers filed into the room, Stan and Ben were sat at the table, nobody dared to speak,nobody knew what to say. "okay, what the fuck"Eddie said, Ben slightly flinched at the sudden outburst from the complete silence."we wanted a break, we were hurt, we wanted a break" Stan said as though it were the most simple concept in the world, the rest of the losers looked puzzled, Bill and Beverly looked worried.Stan didn't leave this unnoticed, it was just confirmation, they knew what they had done, Ben also noticed, his head shot down in discomfort and sadness =, staring at the lint on the table. "that doesn't give you an excuse to just up and leave and not tell anyone, I almost called the cops because you to had left for so long" Eddie barked back and all the losers nodded their head silently agreeing. " okay, sorry I guess" Stan said getting up from the table and taking his stuff upstairs,  the kitchen went silent after he left, all he could here were slight whispers every few seconds, he knew they were mad, they had a right to be but he didn't want to deal with that right now. He recalled the guilt on Bill's face, it was a silent confirmation and it only made him hurt more, he needed to lie down.

More then an hour later a knock was heard on Stan's door, he got up groggy even though he hadn't been sleeping, just thinking. He hoped it wasn't one of the losers ready to yell at him or something, he didn't want to deal with that right now. He opened the door, it was Bill, He was ready to shut the door again as that was the last person he wanted to see right now but Bill caught him before he could. " I was w-worried, you were up h-here alone for a long t-time and I just wanted to make sure y-you were o-okay." Bill said, oh, he was concerned, Stan had forgot about that rule for just a minute. " yes I am fine, thank you for your concern" he went to shut the door again, Bill stopped him, again. " actually, I uh was h-hoping we c-could talk"   Bill asked, This was just what Stan had been trying to avoid, Fuck.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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