chapter 4

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Annoying voice started to mock me which later I identified as my alarm

I picked it up and throwed it across my room it landed with a blast

"Wake up Sam it is your 12th alarm this year" Tori yelled from her room

"Noo go away" I said to her
"Wake up there is Bacon and pancakes in the kitchen
She said

Jackpot she hit the right spot food my one and only weekness

I sat up and stretched, I walked to my bath room and did my business
And went upstairs after putting some clothes

Tori was already in the kitchen eating her breakfast cheerfully she happy Morning person

"Hey girl you look worn" she said and I flipped her the bird
I'm like this for an hour

I sat and ate my break fast

" Uncle Blair'' called an hour ago"Tori said suddenly serious

"Oh,what did he say? "I asked while stuffing my face with food

"He said that we are starting school by Tomorrow, we just need to show up it's all ready"she said

" Whatt tomorrow it's all so sudden and I already graduated" I winced

it's true I have a iq of a genius Tori's words not mine so I skipped some grades

" Just because you skipped garde's doesn't mean I could I still have a year left untouched" she said

I can't help but chuckle she always envy me for being able to skip grades

" Whatever we need to go to shopping for school supplies" I said like it disgusting me
"Yess" Tori yelled

This day couldn't get any worse

Wrong I was wrong
The day can be worse

Here I'm dreaded in my chocolate smoothie from head to toe
If I were a cartoon there will be steam coming out if my
Ears you must be wondering wtf

Flash back

"Sam check this out, and that's so cute I like that and that blah blah blah" Tori Continued to shout

" Tori I will be back in a 1minute" and 59 minutes I thought hoping for a escape

Sure I will be anywhere she said and ran away I have all my school supplies for now

As I walked a food court keep calling my name seductively

I walked over there and ordered a burger with extra cheese and fries with a chocolate smoothie

I was returning to my table when some thing came crashing onto me and my chocolate smoothie running down my shirt and my fries and burger is laying on floor

"Watch where your going"
A voice snapped
I looked up to see a Burnett boy with sharp jaw line and bulky scary

but I have seen people more intimidating that him

I will be lying if I say he is not hot

He have the weirdest color of eyes I have ever see

it's rich coming from me because I'm the one with mismatching eyes

"Hey mister what ever your name is you are the one who came crashing to me" I retroted

"You don't Know who your talking to little girl"

what does I seems little to him I'm freaking 6ft well compared to him I'm short he is the most tallest person I have seen

"You Know what you can go f**k your self" I screamed at his has and walked away

"Hey, what who your talking to" I heard him yell

Already on my worst mood I dailed Tori and informed her that I m leaving

She didn't protest because she knows me too well to not mess with me while I'm angry

When I reached home I went straight to my Jim and started to punch the punching bag


An hour later I'm left exhausted
I went to my room and showered ,

I took my laptop out my most priced possession

I bought it with the money I made my self

I was checking my emails when my eyes struck to the one uncle sent

I open it
Sam call me when you see this -blair

I quikly garbed my phone and called him

" Hey uncle how are you"

"I'm fine Sam I want to say some thing serious is are you in your room"

"Yes uncle im"

"Sam as I informed earlier you are starting school tomorrow as senior years
some of the members and the leader is going to the school as well
the gang is called the blood hounds they are very dangerous and intelligent
you will not be able to eliminate them your self

"I did it to many other I will be able" I can't hold back the arrogance in my voice

"Let me finish, there is no enough time for you to learn about their method and plans they are getting out of hand

"Fine" I huffed out

" Okay what I was saying is that you need a partner who is knows all about the gang and being after them for years"

Bu-"I started to cut off

No protests I will call you tomorrow and give you the details bye take care" and he hangs up on me

it was like closing the door in your face while you are talking

I signed I never worked anyone 
l like to do things my way without checking on other opinion but whatever it'll be a experience

I decided to research on the blood hounds gang but there is no trace of it in internet it's strange yet brilliant

It seems like they have their on way of sharing things I guess I have to get to track to find about them

I procrastinated it to the next day so I can have some details about who is in the gang or not from school


Sorry for the short chapters Don't be a silent reader vote and comments
There will be a lot of Grammer errors in this story mostly because English is not my strong suit
And I want a editor I can't pay or any but I will be forever grateful for it
And could any one make me a cover
I being so ungrateful aren't I
Bye with love 
                           The Evil N

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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