Part One - Percy x Nico

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"It's over, Annabeth," Percy sighed into the phone.

"I'm sorry," Annabeth replied on the other end, "we're still friends, though, right?"

"Of course!" Percy smiled.

"Bye seaweed brain," Annabeth laughed, feeling much better about the breakup.

"See ya wise girl," Percy teased and hung up. He saw the breakup coming, Neither of them really felt the same way as they did a while ago, when they first finished defeating Gaea.

Percy walked over to the Hades cabin and knocked on the door. He and Nico had gotten to be really close friends over the past few months. Percy discovered he likes sitting and talking with Nico, not having to try and impress him and being able to be himself around him.

"Oh hi Percy," Nico greeted his friend, "What do you need?"

"Just wonderig if you wanted to go hang out by the lake?" Percy offered, and Nico agreed. He would never turn down a chance to "hang out" with Percy. For the longest time Nico had had a crush on Percy, then after defeating Gaea, admitted to him the he "used to have a crush on him," but that "he wan't his type." That was a lie of course.

They walked to the lake. It was perfext weather outside and so the two of them sat by the shore together in the soft green grass. There wan't anybody around.

"So..." Percy sighed, "Annabeth and I broke up."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Nico said with sincerity.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm kind of the one who broke up with her," Percy admitted.

Nico was slightly confused. "Why?"

Percy turned towards his friend and winked. "Guess she wasn't really my type," He teased.

Nico immediately blushed and turned away, causing Percy to feel a bit worried if he had overstepped his bounds in teasing Nico.

"Sorry," Percy muttered, but Nico flashed him a reassuring smile. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've asked why, that was stupid of me," Nico said, "I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid!" Percy exclaimed.

"Useless, maybe," Nico grumbled, "I didn't do hardly anything on our last quest except shadow-travel the statue and fight off a few things."

Percy was shocked. He knew Nico was hard on himself, but underestimating how much he did for the cause of defeating Gaea?!

"You are NOT useless Nico," Percy almost yelled, grabbing Nico's shoulders and tuning him to face himself, "you moved the giant statue, fought more stuff than any of us could in a week, kind of got Hades on our even went throught Tatarus ALONE, for Zeus's sake!" He smiled as Nico tuned a bit pink. "Nico," he continued, " you are an amazing guy. I'm so glad we're friends and I wouldn't've asked for a more perfect demigod to help with that quest. You're kind, powerful, considerate, cute, you have great hair..." Percy found himself rambling.

"What did you say?" Nico said.

"I like your hair, man," Percy smiled, picking up a lock of Nico's thick brown hair.

"No before that," Nico asked, pushing Percy's hand out of his hair. Percy webt silent. " think I'm cute?" Nico repeated softly, slightly embarrassed and definetely surprised.

"Uh.....yeeeeaahhh...." Percy said, trying to act casual.

Nico laughed. A real laugh. Percy sniled. He hadn't heard Nico laugh like that since...well, he had never heard Nico laugh like that at all. A real, REAL laugh.

Even though Percy might not know it now, but Nico still liked him, and soon they both slowly fell in love, constantly meeting by the side of the lake.

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