。・゚゚・𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟎・゚゚・。

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silence flooded the gym as the unknown girl stepped through the doors

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silence flooded the gym as the unknown girl stepped through the doors. she looked to be in her 2nd year, same as you and had beautiful features. "ah hello, do you mind if i observe your practice ?" she asked nicely.

"do you have any particular reason to be here ?" kita questioned "i'm just here to visit an old friend is all, i promise to not interrupt or anything." you looked down at the captain waiting for his response.

something seemed a bit off, as his hesitated before giving a response. the whole team seemed on edge and were particularly quite for some reason.

"who is she... well whoever she is obviously has some type of unknown business with the team or someone on it" you thought to yourself.

"fine you may stay, practice is almost over anyways so we will be done shortly." the girls face lightened up a she bowed to kita and headed towards the bleachers.

you watched as she turned around, her facial expression automatically morphing into a suspicious one almost like she had something planned.

"i have a bad feeling about this." you suddenly looked up, she was now in front of you with her hand extended out.

"hi i don't think we've ever met before i'm hanna kayama, it's a pleasure to meet you and you are ?" you returned a small smile and reached for her hand grabbing it slightly " y/n l/n."

she sat down beside you gazing down at the court below. "so are you friends with any of the team or ?" she asked.

"wow getting straight to the point huh ?" "oh well i'm actually close with suna and osamu, so i come and watch practice whenever i can" her eyes widen slightly.

"suna eh ? well not to brag but i'm actually his ex girlfriend" she exclaimed quite proudly.

your breathe hitched, the blood from your face slowly drained making you become pale. 

"don't tell me... is this actually - her ?"

"we got together in our first year of highschool, you could tell he really liked me." she smiled evilly as she continued "suna's a great guy don't get me wrong but, honestly i was only in the relationship to gain popularity."

your jaw tensed and your fist clinched tightly, knuckles turning white as you listen to her describe such horrible things. her flaunting angered you, how could someone be so cold ? it was disgusting.

"eventually my plan worked and i caught the attention of atsumu miya, which is exactly what i was aiming for. we started talking and one thing led to another, which resulted in us having sex."

you gasped loudly, catching her attention. "oh and that's not all, it all went down on sunas birthday too which wasn't planned but you can probably imagine how that went down."

you were at a lost of words as anger spread through your whole body. having someone mock the pain of your best friend made you sick to your stomach. people like this is the reason why you never considered relationships in the first place.

the fact that suna was the person at hand made it worse. someone that you cherished so dearly getting trashed by some hoe who couldn't keep it in her pants.

"she needs to pay" was all that was going through your mind.

suddenly letting go of all self control, you delivered a harsh slap to hanna's cheek, the sound so loud it echoed through the the gym.

everyone's attention was now on you as you raged at the female in front of you. " YOU BITCH" you screamed landing a right hook on her jaw sending her backwards. you got on top of her and continuing giving blows.

everyone was frightened as they tried to get to you in order to stop the fight. suna immediately ran towards you, as he knew if he didn't get to you soon you would cause serious damage.

hanna struggled underneath you, grasping at any part of your body she could get her hands on.

but none of that mattered as you were too caught up in destroying the person in front of you. your grip on her arms tightened as you twisted them making her scream in pain.

finally you felt two pairs of arms warp around you one them being suna and the other being osamu.

they lifted you off of her as atsumu tended to hannas side. you thrashed around in the boys grip screaming for them to let you go "LET ME FINISH HER OFF ! PLEASE SHE DESERVES IT."

suna flinched at the desperation in your voice as tears flooded your face. of course he appreciated the thought but he never wanted to result to violence, especially in a situation where you could get hurt.

he finally got you into the hallway, your body crashing to the floor as you continued to cry. suna joined you as he tried to calm you down.

suna cupped your cheeks as he brought your face close to his "hey calm down, it's okay i'm okay there's nothing to be mad about" he said calmly wiping your tears with his thumbs.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME FINISH HER OFF ? she d-deserves it she HURT you." suna just looked at you sympathetically, not being able to wrap his head around the situation. all he could do was sit there and hug you, rocking you slowly trying to calm your nerves.

you grabbed fistfuls of his shirt tightly as you shook with leftover anger. if it wasn't for the boys you swore you could've killed her.

"as messed up as that was, you have no clue how thankful i am for you" suna whispered. you looked up at him with glossy eyes "of c-course, like i said i'm always gonna be here no matter what i have to do."

he looked at you with a small smile, and before you knew it he kissed your forehead lifting you up off the ground.

intertwining your hands together he said " come on, let's go to the nurse and get you cleaned up" you looked down at your knuckles as they were bruised and had some blood on them. you winced at the sight.

"yeah... okay" you mumbled softly as you and suna walked hand in hand to the nurses office.

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