Chapter 1

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The rewrite is here.... now I have to rewrite the other three chapters before I can continue the story lmao.

Edit: I'm not rewriting the other three chapters, this story will now be a two part one shot and this is the first part, don't worry, the last part will be longer than this one....maybe

The dirty-blonde haired boy groaned, opening his eyes to reveal the bright classroom after he felt a sharp kick to the back of his chair. "Yah, Jaemin–" with brown eyes barely opened he began to turn around to where his best friend would be sitting, about to go off on why he would wake him up right as he had entered the state of sleeping.

   "Shh! Look!" The younger shushed him before he could say anything, pointing towards the front of the class. He glared at his friend, mouthing This better be important as he turned to look at the front of the classroom.

   He was suddenly awake.

   Standing next to the teacher was a boy, shorter and thinner than himself wearing a larger yellow hoodie, making him appear smaller than he probably was, "Hi, my name's Huang Renjun. I'm eighteen and I'm from China. Please take care of me." The boy, Renjun, bowed a bit after his greeting, looking around the room at everyone, his eyes meeting his for a split second before looking away.

He watched as the copper haired boy sat down at a desk on the other side of the room, taking out his English textbook and a pencil.

The same introduction was repeated in four other of his classes, meaning Donghyuck had five classes with this angel. Wait, Angel? The boy is cute –I guess– and all, but not enough to be an angel! But he's still really cute though... no, he's not. He thought to himself, unconsciously aggressively eating his frozen yogurt. The two boy sitting across from him in the frozen yogurt shop looked at him strangely.

"Hey, Hyuck... you okay?" The honey brown haired on his left asked, his usually smiling eyes filled with concern, both for his friend and the pink plastic spoon that appears to be on the brink of snapping in half at the shear force of his grip.

Finally snapping out of his contradicting thoughts, the spoon was freed from being snapped. "Oh? Oh yeah, I'm fine!"

The pink haired next to the brunet spoke up, "Are you sure? That spoon looks like it's gonna snap..."

"Well, that's because I'm strong Jaemin. You should know this!"

   Jaemin stared at him with the most unbelieving eyes, "You're literally the weakest one out of all of us Hyuck." Before Donghyuck could go off on him again, "But really? What're you thinking about? That spoon was this close to snapping."

"Aassh, it's really nothing guys—"

Suddenly, the youngest do the three cut him off, shooting to stand up and banging his hands on the table, "It's that new kid right? What's his name? Renjun!"

Jeno, who seemed to be the only one of the three to notice all eyes in the shop to be on them, gave everyone a small smile, pulling Jaemin to sit back down.

"What? No! Why would it be about him?" Donghyuck true his best to sound convincing, but he's always been a more blunt person than a liar.

"Oh my god, it's hundred percent about him! Do you She a crush on him? Oh my— Jeno, Hyuck has a crush."

Jeno, who didn't know if this person they speak of, was confused, "Uh, Nana... who's 'Renjun'?"

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