Part 12

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Im probs gonna use third pov from now on
That night, Akaashi couldn't sleep. He wasn't even tired, he just thought about (y/n). 'Why out of nowhere does she just appear?' He sighed, he was still hurt from what happened, he looked at his hand.

"The promise ring..." he muttered. He didn't put it on while practicing but right after he was finished he would put it on, hoping maybe one day he'll find her again, but when he finally did, it wasn't how he expected. It was like her happiness was taken away when she was in America, he kind of felt bad for her. He shook his head 'no.. she hurt you. Don't feel bad for her.' Akaashi thought. He couldn't take in the silence anymore, so he stood up and went outside to get some fresh air.

When he got outside he found (y/n) sitting there, she didn't seem to be sleeping, just thinking.. Akaashi looked up, the sky looked amazing, it was a full moon and the stars were bright as ever. It reminded of the first time he met you.

"Akaashi" he looked at (y/n). It sounded like she was crying, her voice that used to make him smile was now different, it sounded empty. She turned around, her eyes that used to sparkle with joy was now empty, her skin paler then it was. He sat down next to her, and just stargazed, trying to ignore (y/n)'s changed appearance.

"Akaashi, I'm sorry." She said. That's when something made him snap.

"THATS IT? YOUR'RE ONLY SORRY? I SWEAR TO GOD (y/n) YOU LEFT ME, YOU LEFT ME RIGHT AFTER I FELT LIKE I BELONGED IN THIS WORLD, RIGHHT AFTER I FELT HAPPY AGAIN, ONE WORD ISN'T ENOUGH. YOU LEFT ME WITH SOME STUPID LETTER AND LEFT FOR FOUR FUCKING YEARS. I-" he slammed the wall next to him with his fist. (Y/n) was actually so startled. She has NEVER seen Akaashi this mad, he wasn't the type to yell. Akaashi broke into tears,

"(Y/n)... I- I really thought you cared about me, and you just left without even saying goodbye..." (y/n) stared at him, not knowing what to do. Akaashi fell onto his knees, crying. (Y/n) looked at him with a stoic expression.

"(Y/n), I waited for you for a year.. I kept hoping this was all a joke, I kept on hoping you would come back..." Akaashi said, wiping his tears, going back to his normal stoned face expression. (Y/n) sighed,

"I'm sorry Akaashi, I know you hate hearing those words, but I truly am, you were going through such a hard time and I was happy to make you smile again, but when I found out I was moving I didn't want to hurt you, so I didn't tell you which only made everything worse. I lived 4 years with regret, and I know you'll probably never forgive me, and I don't know if I can ever forgive myself either. I couldn't sleep, or eat because of this, I-"

"Ah, so this is what happened." Kuroo cut her off. He was probably behind them watching the whole thing unfold.

"KUROO CAN'T WE GET ANY PRIVACY" (Y/n) yelled, punching him.

"(L/n)-kun, half of us woke up due to the yelling" Kuroo yawned. Akaashi covered his face in embarrassment, he had yelled at (y/n) earlier, forgetting that someone could probably hear them. Akaashi looked up at (Y/n) glaring at Kuroo, she put her hand on her head and sighed.

"(Y/n)-chan!" A voice called out from behind them, they all turned around.

"Tanaka don't tell me you heard it too-" (Y/n) said, cut off by Tanka picking her up and hugging her, a pang of jealousy hit Akaashi, who was still sitting down against the wall.

"GET TO SLEEP GODDAMNIT" Daichi yelled from the inside, everybody jumped, excluding (Y/n), who kind of expected this. Tanaka dropped her and ran inside, and kuroo just smirked at them then left. Now it was just Akaashi and (y/n).

"(L/n), I'm sor-"

"No Akaashi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to turn out like this. The reality sucks, and it sucked for you more than it was to me, and I just made it worse by leaving.." (Y/n) paused,
She held out her hand to Akaashi. Akaashi looked up to her hand. On her ring finger, there was a gold ring, with the word promise. He also noticed another ring, it had her birthstone, and the word love engraved in it.

( L O 💎 V E ) (basically how the ring looked-)

His eyes widened for a split second. Did she have a boyfriend? He tried to ignore it and took her hand.

(Y/n) looked at him with a small smile, they made eye contact. Her piercing (e/c) eyes, and Akaashi's gunmetal blue eyes.

"Let's forget this ever happened, let's start over"


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