Part 1

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Akaashi sat on the swing, lightly swinging back and forth, humming while he watched the sunset. He looked down, it was nice to have a break once in a while, he had a pounding headache before and he really felt like dying. After all what happened he still couldn't get his parents death out of his mind. He remembers his mom's cries for help, his dad screaming in agony, him finding the blood trails leading to them. July, 18th, 10:38 pm. The warm summer night they were brutally murdered. He thought about the time before that happened, when they were all happily eating dinner together, laughing and joking around. He wondered what he did to deserve this. His little sister has been traumatized, she wouldn't speak after the incident, she skipped meals, she seemed to get more tired by the day. Akaashi tried to get over it but he couldn't, he just couldn't stop thinking about their pale lifeless face, how each of them were clean except the room was covered in blood, how their mouths been turned to look like they were smiling. He thought about his aunt and uncle, how they helped him and his sister by paying their bills and giving them money so they can survive, how they were rich but yet refused to take them in as they claim that Akaashi and his sister have the spiting image of their father and it seemed to upset them. But he was thankful, otherwise he would be living on the streets by now. He thought about how All his friends left him, how he got bullied, he even transferred to another school, he was so lost and scared. He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly a girl jumped onto the swing beside him.

"Hey!" She said. She looked at him with her piercing (e/c) eyes, the golden light making her (h/c) seem like it was glowing, her rosy cheeks and her beautiful smile. Her (h/l) length hair flowing in the wind. Her voice was sweet and full of energy, she started swinging, back and forth, back and forth. Akaashi watched her for a while, the way her hair was flowing around, the way she smiled so brightly, how she laid her head back, but he focused mostly on her eyes, they were beautiful, it seemed to sparkle with joy and life. "Are you just going to stare at me?" She giggled. She stopped swinging and looked at him, she seemed to look right into his soul. She looked to the now darkened sky, with hints of pink and orange. "I'm (l/n) (f/n), but you can call me (y/n)" she said. He finally spoke.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akaashi Keiji" He looked at her with his blue eyes, they were a little lifeless, but was a beautiful shade of blue. From the moment they made eye contact, she smiled at him and he felt his heart flutter.

She stood up and looked back at him, smiling, 'Does she always smile?' he wondered. He found himself starting a conversation with her, asking where she goes to school, how old she is, what does she like, and she answered them all honestly, it felt like he was talking to an old friend. Before they knew it, it was getting late. She got off the slide to leave but Akaashi didn't want to go to his house, it was cold and lifeless there, with only his sister there who still wouldn't talk to him even though it's been months. He sighed and waved goodbye, smiling back at her. He felt the need to smile, the conversation he had with her, the feeling he had when they made eye contact, he felt so alive again, until he stepped into his cold empty house that is. The lights were turned off and his sister seemed to be sleeping, he sighed and took of his jacket. He walked upstairs to his room and flopped on to the bed. "Y/n..." he murmured. He stared at the ceiling, thinking about her. She went to a different school, but promised him she would meet him at the park at the same time they met today. She was a year younger, but she seemed academically smart enough to be as old as him. She was interested in a lot of stuff, she always seemed to be happy, which made Akaashi happy. He never felt this way for months, he smiled and covered his eyes and let out a grunt. He sat up and looked at the picture of his parents happily smiling sitting on his desk, he smiled and laid back down, feeling better. He whispered a thank you before falling asleep.

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