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Waking up was beginning to feel much easier. Having a goal in mind has allowed you to be more focused, and motivated. Not only do you want to find Wyatt, you also wanted to stop being a dumbass. Though it seems like you're being hard on yourself, you had to realise that you were dealing with an apocalypse. On top of that, you were all alone, and had only yourself to rely on.

You go through your normal routine, wake up, check your supplies, check your gun, and then drive. In only three days, you forced yourself into a seemingly endless cycle of sleeping and driving. But you knew better than to complain about something like that. After all, you're still alive, and you had a reason to keep living.

"Just gotta keep a level head, and I'll get through all of this," you say while tightening your grip on the wheel.

You hated to admit it, but you were a little scared. You weren't scared about what the world around you has become. No, you were only worried about that. What really scared you was the thought of having already lost Wyatt. But you had to keep your chin up, and move along.

The drive continued for quite the while. Like usual, the humming of the car filled your ears, but that wasn't the only humming to be heard. You were humming an unrecognisable tune, hoping that your thoughts wouldn't be let astray. After all, these drives gave you a lot of time to think. Scratch that, they gave you too much time to think.

Hours passed by, and it was now midday. A sigh left your mouth. Nothing seemed to come up, and everything was starting to feel dull and bland.

"Can something just happen already," you whisper to yourself, wanting at least a little action to prove to yourself that you aren't a complete dumbass anymore.

Suddenly, a bunch of cars came into view, and then you noticed that you were on a highway.

"Speak of the devil, and the devil shall come," letting out a small chuckle, you slow down the jeep, and try to drive around the other cars. You also keep an eye out for any roamers.

Then, out of nowhere, you heard a bell sound off in the distance.

"Are there people around here?" you question yourself. Part of you is saying to focus on Wyatt, while another is begging you to check it out, in hopes of finding anything of use.

With a sigh, and without a second thought, you exited the car. You took the AMT and holstered it in your pants. You also took the Karambit, and held onto it.

"Ready or not, hear I come... I guess," with that being said, you went into the forest to check out the sound.

After a few minutes of looking for the location of the sound, the ringing had suddenly come to a stop. This admittedly made your search a little harder than anticipated. After all, you were trying to track down a sound, and not a living being. This would mean that you had just lost your best clue for the location of the sound. Even with that in mind, you still went looking. But not without leaving marks on trees with the Karambit, to find you way back to the highway.

The walking continued for quite the while, and you knew for certain that you were far away from the highway. You let out a sigh. You realised that you had been searching for long enough, and should be heading back to the highway before it gets dark. Right as you turned around, a clear and distinct noise reached your ears. The whinnying of a horse, then a voice.

"Shh shh, it's alright girl. No need to be scared, there ain't nothing wrong," a feminine voice mixed with a southern accent could be heard. You crouched down, and began to sneak through the bushes, heading towards the sound.

Peeking through the bush you were hiding in, you saw a young woman with a short brown bob, on a horse. She then got off the horse and started stroking its head, trying her best to soothe the horse. She was too focused on calming the horse down, to notice the rustling bush. It didn't come from you. Your eyes jolted to the cause of the sound, and you could see a roamer heading for the woman. Even when it got closer to her, she still didn't notice.

"Shit," you whisper, leaping out of the bush, and going straight for the roamer.

Running up from behind the roamer, you put it in a chokehold and force its jaw up so that it couldn't bite you. You then stabbed it in the head with the Karambit in your hand. You let go of it, and let it drop to the ground. This alerted the woman, and she turned around to face you. Shocked by the sight of you and the dead roamer, she began to back away from you.

"Be careful, or else the roamers will get you," You tell her, while motioning to the corpse.

"Who are you!" she demands. She stops backing away, but only after she was a safe distance away from you.

"The name's [Y/n], but that isn't important. I'll be on my way then," you say, and turn on your heel. You began to walk away from the woman.

"Wait!" she exclaims, "I'm Maggie." You turned around, and looked at her. Seeing a genuine glint of care in her eyes, you began to smile.

"Well hello there Maggie," you say, extending your hand out for her to shake.

"Are, are you all alone?" she questioned while grabbing your hand, and shaking it.

"Yup. I'm just out and about. I was on the highway, till I heard a bell. Now I'm here," you explain to Maggie, letting go of her hand and pointing your thumb to the direction of the highway.

"If you'd like, I can bring you over to my daddy's farm. He might let you stay the night," she proposed. To be honest, sleeping in a safe place and not worrying about roamers for even just a second seemed really nice.

"Yeah, I'd really appreciate that," you say with a chuckle.

"Alright then," Maggie starts. She then hops onto the horse, trots over to you, and extends a hand, "get on, and hold on tight."

You nod, and grab her hand. After getting on the horse, you put your knife in one of your pockets, and hold onto Maggie. The ride was bumpier than what you were used to, this was your first time riding a horse after all.

After sometime, you noticed that you were out of the forest, and approaching a house on a large field.

"That your place?" you ask Maggie, to which she just nods.

After you were right next to the house, Maggie told you to get off the horse so she could bring it back to the stable. You comply, and get off the horse with ease. You then go to the doorsteps of the house, and sit on the lowest one.

Maggie then returned to you not long after, and told you to wait outside while she went to go get her father. You then got up from the step, dusted yourself off, and waited patiently. In just a few minutes, Maggie exited the house with an older man. He had a head full of white hairs, and a sharp look on his face. It would seem as though he is analysing you and trying to figure out your intentions.

"Daddy, this is [Y/n]," Maggie said, to hopefully break the tension.

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