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"This is Lieutenant Hank Anderson Requesting medical personnel we have an officer down, repeat we have an officer down."

He spoke quickly into his radio, pressing his jacket against Chris's chest wound.

"Chris? Come on buddy, can you hear me?"

Gavin questioned anxiously, pushing his hand between Chris's head and the concrete.

"Hello? Lieutenant Anderson?"

A reply came.

"This is officer Sarah Lee, medical personnel has been notified and are in the way to your location."

"Thank you, please hurry."

Hank responded curtly, Re-attaching the Radio to his hip.


"Chris! Chris can you hear me??! Chris what is your name??"

"C-Chris Miller."

"When were you born?"

The man seemed to fade in and out of consciousness.

"S...September 30th, 2009."

Chris whispered hoarsely, his hands trembling as he grabbed a hold of the sleeve of Gavin's jacket.

Gavin thought quickly of another question to ask him.

He needed Chris to stay awake.

"What is your son's name?"

Chris nodded slowly, his eyes struggling to focus.


Siren's could be heard blaring in the distance.

"What month was he born?"


"Okay...Okay you're doing great."

Several Emts rushed over, nudging Hank and Gavin off to the side.

The moment Gavin stood Colin pulled him back against him by his shoulders so that Gavin's back was pressed against the front of Colin.

"We need to go. Let the Emts do their job....you've done everything you can for him."

"S-Somebody needs to call his wife. Tell her he's at the hospital."

"We will, just come back to the car...we shouldn't leave Officer chen and Connor alone for to long."

Finally Gavin relented, walking alongside Colin, Hank following in their wake.


"Hank you don't have to-"

"It's probably the best thing right now."

"But how do you know he isn't going to try anything???"

"I...I just know, Son."

"That isn't a plausible answer."

"Did you try anything?"

Colin went quiet for a moment.

"Fine...but listen me and Gavin will be spending the night to then."

"Hold up, what?"

Gavin questioned.

"What- what did you just volunteer me for????"

"We're staying at Hank's house. Me you and Connor so that we can make sure the Rk1000 doesn't try anything."

"Son, I'll be fine-"

"No Hank, I'm not taking no for an answer."

"B-But uh-"

"Go and grab some things you'll need from your work locker Gavin. We'll also stop by the apartment and be back at your place in fifteen minutes. Alright?"


Connor watched Colin and Gavin leave to go grab some things, his shoulder pressed against Rk1000's as they both sat in silence nearby.

"Alright so your gonna be coming home with me. We're gonna figure all this out, okay son?"

Hank spoke softly, kneeling in front of the newly deviated android.

He looked Hank in awe before nodding.

"We have the permission from Fowler confirmed."

Connor spoke quickly, seeming relieved.

"Alright...let's get going then."


The white-haired android simply agreed, quietly coming along.

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