Chapter 7:

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<<Time Skip: 1 week>>

A week passed and Shinobu-san's prediction was correct. I'm finally fully healed. But I'm still staying at the butterfly estate. I actually healed in 5 days but I need rehabilitation to help me walk once again. Now after a week, I'm back to normal. Except for the scars forming on my body and the hole in my heart expanding at every moment. I longed to be with my family again. Working in the crop field with my father, watching Akina and Jikai run around, watch Haya and my mother cooker meals together, hug my mother and hear her words of encouragement. Everything. I missed it all. I just wanted to be with my family. I needed to be with my family. 

Besides that, I have been getting along with the girls who work at the butterfly estate. They're all really nice and they took great care of me. Although I've created some new friendships, I haven't seen the one I want to see. My saviour, Giyuu. I haven't seen him since he saw me crying. I wanted to see him and get to know him but I guess that won't happen. Shinobu-san told me that he's probably just been really busy with missions so I tried to stop thinking about it. But that moment where we stared into each other's eyes and when he placed his hand on my head kept replaying in my mind. 'why did he put his hand on my head? what was the meaning of that?'  With every thought, I felt a blush grow on my cheeks. Why was I blushing? I barely know the man. Before I could answer myself, Shinobu-san opened the door to my room.

"(Y/n)-san, could you please get ready? Oyakata-sama requested for you," She stated, sort of in a rush.

"Oh and bring your fathers belongings please,"

"Ok, I'll be ready soon," I replied hopping out of bed. Shinobu-san left, closing the door. I quickly changed into a kimono that was in the wardrobe in the corner of the room. It was a simple black kimono with red accents. I quite liked it. After I finished getting ready, I grabbed my father's belongings and skipped out the door to greet Shinobu.

Shinobu-san and I walked in silence for about 20 minutes. I was fidgeting with the haori in my arms, anxious as to what was waiting for me. 

"We're almost there." She finally spoke.

"We will be meeting with the other pillars as well." I gulped and nodded. Even more anxious than before. Shinobu-san seemed to have noticed my nervous state.

"(Y/n)-san it's alright, please calm down," She spoke with worry in her tone. I nodded once again and kept walking. After another 5 minutes we came up to a big mansion and we walked to the backyard.

"Alright (Y/n)-san, we're here" I took a deep breath when 8 other people came into view as we turned the corner. They were an.... odd-looking group to say the least. 

"Oi! Who the hell is that?" A voice shouted. I looked to see where the voice came from. A man with white, spikey hair and scars all over his face and body. He looked really angry and that startled me, causing me to shuffle behind the shorter insect pillar.

"Now, now Shinazugawa-san, this is our guest. (L/n) (Y/n). As in (L/n) Kenji's Firstborn." I peaked over Shinobu-san's shoulder to see a few shocked faces, while others kept a blank expression. That included the man I've been wanting to see and talk to for the past week, Giyuu.


Hello everyone! I was a bit stuck with writing this chapter. I'm sorry It has been a while since I updated last! I'm also sorry that this chapter is short compared to the other and it's really only a filler chapter. I promise the next chapter will be more exciting! P.S: If I don't know what to put as the picture at the top I might start putting cute little pics or comics like the one I have here :D 

-Author-chan <3

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