And we're off

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I woke up to my load ringing alarm clock at 6:30am, I was so tired but I know I needed to get up. As I struggled to get out of my purple cozy bed I turned of the load alarm ringing in my ear. I slowly walk over to my desk and grab my school uniform. I put my blue polo shirt on and then my lovely grey jumper. I slowly tip toe over to the bathroom just to make sure my mummy and daddy don't wake up. I quickly but quietly opened the creaky handle to the bathroom door. As I entered the room I turned the light on because it was still dark outside. I reach out to grab my  toothbrush and mint toothpaste from the Cupboard and turned on the tap.      
As I brushed my teeth as quickly and as quietly as I possibly can I thought about my school schedule for today.
When I finished brushing my teeth I ran back into my bedroom. gI done my hair in a high ponytail and put a fluffy grew hair tie on my ponytail.
A few minutes later I heard my Mum and Dad's alarm go off it was so loud that it even woke my little twin sisters - Kylie and Khloe. I went into their room and helped them get dressed because they are only four years old and I'm a responsible 11 year old.
" Thank you sissy!" Shouted Kylie
"Thank you for helping us Kelly." Khloe said to me.
I just said " No problem." And carried them into my room. I brushed there beautiful long blonde hair I thought how different my greasy brown hair was to their beautiful blonde hair was.
When my Mum and Dad finally got up I had already got the twins their breakfast and my breakfast and we all finished our food 20 minutes ago! I think it was about 8:55am. We had to sell our kitchen clock in order to get money to get our camouflage tent for outside. You see it's the middle of World War 2,it's crazy! Bombs are going off all over my city and it's scary.
For some reason my Mum has packed me a case with cloths and a book inside. She told me I was going away somewhere with school.
When I was in the  school the teacher- (Mrs Palmetto) was telling us what we will be spending our day doing
"Girls listen carefully, you will all be going to safe homes in the country side. Because of the unsafe bombing outside in the city you will be going today. You have all been given your bags and gas mask my your parents. Some of you may be in the same house but we are only doing this for your safety." When my Mum and Dad said bye to me and the twins I thought it was for school!
"If you have any sisters or brothers in another class they will also be going to the same house as you." Mrs Palmetto went on.
I sighed a sigh of relief. At least I knew my sisters were going to be safe.
As we all got on the bus I sat next to the twins and strapped them in and then we we're of into the unknown.

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