It's a chaotic life

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The bus drove up and down the bumpy road, the twins were looking scared but I told them that I'll be with them this whole journey.
When the bus finally came to a stop I grabbed the twins cases and my own.
" Right girls, let's go."'  I said to Kylie and Khloe.
As we stepped of the bus there were a load of cars parked everywhere! I went over to the woman standing the closest to us and asked her where car 2009 was .
"Car 2009 is straight forward and then to your left." The woman said  in an annoyed voice.
I just replied " Ok thank you, sorry for bothering you Mrs ." And walked of.
"Can you girls hurry up?!" I shouted to them over the high noise level.I felt really bad for shouting at them but I don't want them to get lost in this big crowd of people.
When we got to car 2009 I gave the man the money for the ride and got the girls strapped in. Then I went round to the other door and strapped myself in.the man said, "right let's go." And drove of.
An hour and 50 minutes later we arrived at a beautiful cottage with pink,purple,orange,yellow,green,  red and blue flowers all around the house. It looked amazingly beautiful. I was just around The middle of summer so the flowers looked perfectly beautiful.  We got out of the car and the woman open the door we said bye to the driver and went over to her.
"Hello Mrs, I'm Kelly and these are my sisters Kylie and Khloe." I said to the woman.
"Hello children! I have been expecting you for the past hour now I'm so glad you're here safely. Call me Aunt kaz by the way."
I said " Ok,hello aunt Kaz."
"Come in,come in girls!" She Shouted. I dragged the girls along and went into the lovely looking house. I was very surprised when I went in the house was as tidy as anything I have ever seen in my whole entire life! So unlike my own house, mine was untidy and a mess. I followed her up to our room and the shock when we got upstairs. It was messy dusty and revolting!  I was surprised I thought the house tidy organised house ever I was so excited but it turns out I was wrong. And when I say I was wrong I mean VERRRRRYYYYY wrong There was a dust all over the Walls and floors are insects crawling  up everything It was just revolting. I don't know how she could ever live in this mess. Then, I realised, I had to sleep in the revolting room. I would rather sleep on the edge of the street in Cold and the rain then sleep in this disgusting mess I went into her room and it was tidy. I can't believe my mum with make me go away somewhere like this it's so unfair,Why does my life have to be so revolting like this? I said thank you just to be polite then I kind of rolled my eyes I really hope you didn't say I don't want to come across as rude or anything I don't even know if it is safe to sleep here! And I thought MY house house was bad! I need to find a way to get out of Here and get your new house. The woman is lovely and everything but it's not her house!  I feel really really talking about her in this way but I've got to say the truth I hope I don't come across rude I'm just gonna come forward and say to her tonight!
When they became night and the sun turned into the moon and stars I stormed downstairs in a mood, I went into the living room and asked to speak to Aunt Kaz for a Minute.  "Auntie Kaz." I began, "Me and the Twins I just Disgusted by our room, I don't want to come across as rude or anything that is not the kind of person who I am but it's unacceptable how you can give someone that kind of room in that state. I am sorry but I have cleaned the whole of upstairs for you and I didn't get one thank you and you have been off and down the stairs all afternoon at first I thought you were a nice lovable person but I can see now that I was very wrong I am sorry but me and the twins are going. Bye."
The Appalled look on her face was Frightening But I wasn't scared. I shouted up to the twins and told them to bring their bags down we are calling the car again,He said if we had  No problem at all he would come and pick us up and take us to a different home. I just hope that he is free to take us tonight or else we will be sleeping on the streets. I hope to never see this house again in my whole life.
Your mum's later on carpal box and the girls got in he said he Knows the person he is taking us to and she is very polite. I hope this is true. And we drove of into the country side where there was know one to be seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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