Verse one [So then I looked up and silenced their shouts]

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School had me up early again, my mornings disturbed by the horrifying sound of the alarm clock. I decided to head out in a rush so as to avoid any more motherly talk about school. Walking the same path I did before, I found myself humming a tune. "This is good song material" I smirked and decided to record my entire walk to school for note purposes. After I exited East Village I was confronted by an unexpected passerby, "Lucas! Hey!" It was Rose from the other day. "Still using that thing out here huh?" I said to her as she struggled to put her bike to a full stop. Finally it did and as she made her stance she said to me in reply, "I don't go anywhere without it." She smiled and stuck a playful tongue at me, "wait a minute, you're in the journalism club right?" I gave her a school boy face as I asked her. She looked at me in delight as if she knew why I asked her that question and said, "Yeah haha why? Do you write? Do you want to join? Please tell me you want to join!" I didn't expect that kind of response but I was flattered to see her beg like that. "Sorry, I don't show others what I write. I'm a very independent writer, also I don't really make novels or poems or any of that. I write songs and I have no intention of showing it to others." She shook her head and said, "Way to gloom up the mood, why the seclusion  though?" I didn't have any intention of telling anyone about Jackie or dad so I said, "no reason, it's just my thing." I smiled at her, she was expecting Something else... I could tell by the  reaction of her eyebrows. "Okay then, whatever floats your goat, well... I'm gonna go ahead. See ya around music boy" she smiled and smirked as she peddled away. I nodded at her and continued my slow pace to school.

Today wasn't as bad, I decided to talk to a few people in class. I gathered as much infomation as possible and found out that Cristina, the girl from the fence, is a senior too. No one in my class was particularly familiar with her so I had to look for other sources to find out what class she's in since there are like, 12 sections per year level. Also, the Journalism Club is apparently a very secretive club in terms of their poets and writers, Rose happend to be new so her telling me that she is a member counts me as a privileged person. Students in this school take their writers and musicians seriously so I figured if I was gonna get involved then I would have to join a part of one of the big 2.

I stood infront of the music classroom, still struggling over an inner debate whether it was wise for me to expose my music ability in risk of exposing my sad back story and causing me to create a melt down in myself. I took almost 10 minutes before I looked up and saw the quote on the door, "Let your ears heal the world seen through your eyes" I don't know why but I strangely related to it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. There was a man, sitting on a chair looking through sheet music at the back of the room. I looked around and observed the vast quantity of orchestra instruments, electric guitars, drum sets, DJ equipment and many other musical instruments. I cleared my throat and said to the man at the back, "Uhmm I heard you're accepting new members for the music department?" He looked up, seemingly at his mid 30's, black short hair, black jeans with a blazer and a white shirt under it, "ah yes well, if you've come here expecting a simple paper to sign then you are mistaken. To get in you must audition on the spot, pick your instrument, state your genre and play, you have 10 minutes." He had a calm tone to his voice as he spoke, I was shocked indeed but prepared. I turned to the vast collection of instruments and walked to the nearest acoustic guitar. I grabbed a chair and a foot stool, put my left leg on the stool and played an acoustic version of "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. I had no intention of losing an opportunity to win a key to finding my mystery girl so I put my focus on my plucking and finger placing. Smoothly changing from one chord to another, this song is one of my favorites and I took much delight in playing, hoping that the man watching enjoys it as well. I finished up and took a deep breath before I stood up and put the guitar back on its stand. He looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if something either really bad or really amazing just happened, "Thank you uhh" he looked at me in curiosity, "Lucas, Lucas O'Donnell sir" I said, "Lucas, thank you Lucas for that Wonderful performance, you have skill son I'll give you that. My name is Lucas Metz, the schools music department coordinator" he shook my hand. "You'll know if you got in tomorrow, we post the names on the school bulletin board in the cafeteria" he gave me a pat on the shoulder and turned to walk back to his seat. "Thank you sir" I gave him a simple nod and proceeded out the door.

The Writer and The Composer [A work in progress]Where stories live. Discover now