Verse two [Who knew that silence could be so deafening]

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I couldn't believe it... after days of searching, she was standing right in front of me. I felt my heart race, I suddenly started shaking no... trembling because what I saw behind her was something I wish I hadn't. I saw the red and blue lights flash one after the other, I couldn't take it. It reminded me too much about that day, the police arriving, the blood on my dad's shirt... I suddenly felt the urge to vomit. I raced for the exit after hearing Rose and Mon call me, "Lucas? Where are you going?" I ran outside as fast as I could and headed the same way I got to Belle Notte with Rose. I took the first right and let out the pizza I just ate, it was cold and I ended up crying. I felt so much pain, I still remember my dad's face, the look he gave me that day. I was crying for probably five minutes before I felt a touch on my shoulder, "Ah--are you okay?" I turned around quickly to see who it was and for some reason I felt a bit of relief to see that it was my mystery girl. "I saw you run out so quick, so I finished my act fast to see if you were alright" I tried to fix myself before saying, "I didn't realize people here were so friendly, sorry I just felt a little sick thats all. I'm sorry you felt obliged to help me." She shook her head and stopped me saying, "Actually I didn't run after you to see if you were okay, I came to talk to you about that day..." Now I'm in even more shocked "I--- I wanted to ask you something about that too" She smiled, "oh crap! I'm doing it again! Haha sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Jess, Jess Ericson. I wanted to apologize for staring at you a few days ago haha I tend to freak people out because of that, after all, you are a new guy here." I took a step back and sighed, "word really does spread fast huh? My name's Lucas, Lucas O'Donnell so what else do you know about me haha!" She smiled, "That's it so far haha but I do know you're studying in West Town IS so I guess I'll see you around Lucas, I have to go now so.. bye!" She ran off across the street and after a few seconds faded into the snowy night, "Bye..." I said to her in reply while making a small wave to her even though she was  facing the other way. I was still shaking but smiling at the same time, she spoke to me like I was someone she knew for a while, so energetic, always smiling. I walked back to the restaurant after realizing I wasn't sure exactly how to get back, Mon saw me come in and said, "Dude! Are you alright? You seemed like you were in a hurry haha" I patted his shoulder "It's nothing, I just got a little nauseous. Where's Rose?" He looked puzzled but then became content with my excuse, "I told you this place had bad cheese man, that's why I suggested to eat the pasta instead haha! Did you throw up a lot? Did it come out of your nose?" "You're disgusting Mon, you're gonna make him sick again" Rose said as she walked to us. "Hey Lucas, do you want to go home?" Rose looked at me after saying that, "I'll go get Lauren then we'll leave together" Mon said then rushed to Lauren. "Sorry I made you all leave so early. I didn't mean to suddenly feel sick " I said, trying to cover up my act. "Nah man, it was getting boring anyways." Mon assured me with a smile, "Right Lauren?" He asked, "Meh, kinda... after the 6th poet it started getting dull" Lauren answered.

We all walked back to East Village together because apparently they're all my neighbors. I didn't really like having company at the moment because of my almost sudden mental break down but it was nice to have friends around. I've never felt this senation in a long time. Rose and Lauren were the first to leave, after we crossed the first street passed the gate of east village it was just me and Mon. "So Lucas, what happened back there? I don't think it was the Pizza. You had a look in your face that seemed like you saw a ghost" Mon said. I looked at him then looked down as we walked and answered, "It's nothing serious, it just happens for some reason" He looked at me with concerned eyes, "Have you had it checked?" He asked me. "Yeah, of course I have. The doctor said it'll take a while before I can recover" I said in reply. "Recover from what?" I didn't like where this conversation was going, luckily I saw my house up ahead and felt relieved. "I told you it's nothing haha well this is me, I'll see you tomorrow Mon" I waved goodbye to him as I ran for the front door of my house then hearing him shout, "Don't forget about the party tomorrow!" I had totally forgotten about that but at least he reminded me. I opened the door and was greeted with the faces of my mom and Richard. "Do you know what time it is? Lucas where have you been?" My mom hissed at me. I realized I forgot to text my mom about the poetry slam Rose dragged me into, "A friend invited me to..." "A friend?! So now you're doing drugs Lucas? On your second day of school? Just because this family is bothering you doesn't mean you have to do all this!" My mom always had a tendency to over think things and this is one of those moments. I was getting irritated by the way she accused me so I said out of impulse, "Jesus mom! You think I'm ruining this famiy?! You kicked my dad out! it wasn't his fault mom, the drunk hit him. If he died and Jackie had lived would you feel better?!" I felt like crying now. She looked at me, ready to hit me, but she didn't. I walked to the staircase and said, "oh and by the way, I made friends today. They took me to a poetry slam event at a restaurant... not drugs mom" Richard was too in shock to say anything but he held my mom as she started to cry. I was glad he didn't say anything, I would have said worse things.

I got ready for bed and just sat on my chair by the desk while playing some old beatles songs, the sad ones. I had a heavy hitter in my chest tonight so I thought if I played my feelings out I'd feel better. After that I just stayed silent, for an hour or so before figuring out what to write next in my song... "Who knew that silence could be so deafening." I went to bed a little after twelve. By the time I woke up it was 6:30am, "Shit!" I screamed. I got up as fast as I could and got dressed for school. When I went down stairs nobody was there but breakfast was made. I grabbed a sandwich and ate on my way to school, I decided to use my long board since it was an emergency. I struggled to keep my balance despite the slippery roads but managed to get to my first period on time.

The Writer and The Composer [A work in progress]Where stories live. Discover now