Becoming The Commander (Royal Navy)

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(A/N): Before we start the story it just feels weird to have one of the lovely ladies by themselves in a faction. I don't know why, but it does. So please give me options from the factions "Northern Parliament", "Sardegna Empire", and "Dragon Empery". Please do not request the ladies that I have already chosen. Now let us begin.

In the United Kingdom there was a private jet flying through the skies. In the jet sat a man in his early twenties as he had (H/C), (E/C), (S/C), and had a good amount of muscle. He was dressed in his commander suit as he looked around, "Wow, this thing is pretty awesome." A woman sat in front of him wearing a dress top, a skirt, leggings, and heels. She had long brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin, "Alright (Y/N) let us go through this one more time. You are from the United States." "Correct." "You have been in the military since you were nineteen, and from your records you have done pretty well." "Correct." "And you seemed to of shown some leadership skills on the missions you have been on. You seem like a good fit." "Thank you. Um... if you wouldn't mind, where am I being stationed again?" "You will be a commander for the Royal Navy." "Oh how are the people?" "Well that's the thing, you will be the only human."

(Y/N) tilted his head for the woman to continue, "Let me explain. Your department s on the shore, of course, and the soldiers are all ships." "What?" "They are something we have here. They are woman who are able to use heavy guns and rockets that can take down normal ships. They are modified to be lighter of course, and they have some help as some of them have help with the controls." "Oh yeah, I remember hearing about something like that in America. It was called the Eagle Union." "Exactly." "Well there is one thing that is a problem, all of them are women. I'm a guy." "Well that is why we have a rule. You can date and marry any ship that falls in love with you." (Y/N) gave a dead panned look, "What?" "Well there is a reason for that. A ship can grow feelings for someone quite quickly if they are right for them. And sometimes one person is perfect for many ships." "How quickly do they fall for someone? It can take from like two weeks to a day sometimes. But the ladder is rare."

The woman then gained a scary look, "But don't you dare try anything if you are not given consent." (Y/N)'s back straitened, "Of course." The woman let out a tired breathe, "I've read your records, and even talked to your mother. You seem like a good and decent guy, but even so the ships that are under your control will not like you when you arrive." "Why is that?" "The last commander they had was also a man. He was a lying snake. He looked good in front of the higher ups, but he was terrible to the women and girls. He was sent to prison when he... when he did something without consent when he was denied. There was only one instance, but that is still terrible." "I see, if I may what was the name of this woman. Just so I know to take it easy when I get to know her." "She goes by Hood. She's a kind soul, but she has become fragile." "Well I will treat everyone under my command with care." "Glad to hear it."

The jet soon landed for the woman to think of something, "Oh one more thing. Some ships are still young teenagers, but others are full grown adults. Their bodies just haven't grown as it fits their roles." "How can I tell which is which?" "They have a card. Just ask to see it if you wish to date one." (Y/N) gained a faint pink hue, "No offense, but I don't think that I will be dating anyone." "Yes, because of your intimidating aura. Your eyes are naturally terrifying. I thought you came to interrogate me when you walked into my quarters. But I'm sure a lady will grow to like you." "If you say so."

(Y/N) got up for the jet's door to open as stairs led to the ground. The woman stayed seated, "I would like to show you around, but I need to be somewhere in two hours." "It's okay. I can find my way around." (Y/N) walked out to step on the docks for the door to close and the jet take off again. Their were normal battleships at the docks for the entire place to be empty. He walked down the wooden dock for him to hear something on one of the ships. He looked up to see a little girl long purple hair, purple eyes, white skin, and she held a Unicorn stuffed animal. (Y/N) looked up at her, "Hello." The girl spoke so softly that (Y/N) could barely hear her, "H- Hello." "What are you doing up there?" "I- I wanted to sit alone peacefully. But I want to get down." "Then why don't you?" "I'm scared." "Well why don't I stay under the ladder so that I can catch you if you fall." "But I don't know you." "Well I'm the new commander, so now you know me." The girl stay quiet, "Y- You look scary." "I know I do, but I don't bite. Come on you can trust me." 

Azur Lane x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now