Accidently Captured (Iron Blood)

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No One's POV

(Y/N) was on board a battle ship as he was feeling stuck back on the base in his quarters filling out papers. His lovely girlfriends brought him joy and made him happy when he spent time with them. But he needed some time on the ocean, with him was Takao, Belfast, and Wales. They came along as they could count it as their patrols, plus more time with (Y/N) was good in their book. There were multiple soldiers and of both genders on board as they maned the guns, moved around supplies, kept the ship sailing in one direction, and managed the engines. Wales, Belfast, and Takao were all looking around for them to spot (Y/N) helping move a few metal crates across the ship. They all stopped to see (Y/N) no longer wearing the top of his uniform, as now he wore a sleeveless white t-shirt, his white pants, and his coat around his waist. 

The shirt stuck to what pecks and abs as  the shirt did not become see through so it did not show much, but it defined what he had. The three women became red for (Y/N) to look at them and wave, "Hey!" The three all waved back reacting in their own ways as the three composed themselves, "Hey commander!" The three planned on walking around to learn the layout of the ship, but now they decided to hang out near the bridge. Which was conveniently where (Y/N) walked back and forth as he helped out the crew. After a while the crew told (Y/N) thank you for the help to which he responded with, "It was no problem. I miss doing stuff like this." When the crew went to continue working (Y/N) smelled himself, "I need a shower." 

He headed towards his room on the large ship for his three girlfriends on board to follow, but another ship girl walked up to them, "There you three are. We need you to patrol the waters for the first shift tonight. Come on we need to get you three ready." The three ship girls hung their heads as they followed the ship girl that came to get them. When (Y/N) stepped out he noticed the time for him to realize that it was getting late. 

He went on his phone to call Belfast, "Hey Belfast." "Hello master. Is there anything you need?" "It's getting late so I just wanted to know where you, Takao, and Wales are." "Oh we have the first shift of night duty. We will be done around 11:00." "Ah, just wanted to know if you three were safe." "Everything is fine master. Go on to bed. We will join you shortly." "Okay, goodnight Belfast. Tell Takao and Wales that I said goodnight." "I will. Sleep well master. Hmm, is that a shark or a person underwater?" She then hung up for (Y/N) to turn off his phone, "That didn't seem like a good thing to hang up on." He trusted her though to take care of herself, so he went to sleep on his bed.

After a while his door opened, which made (Y/N) wake up shortly to see a rugged man stab him in the neck with a needle. He was knocked unconscienced for him to wake up some time later. He looked around as it was a small and dirty room, as his clothes were changed as if though he was a pirate. He got up to try and open the door, but it was locked. The door had a circular window, so he looked through for a boom to be heard as the ship shook. He soon saw two pirates run by, "They're coming! Make a run for it!" A few seconds later (Y/N)'s door was shot off of it's hinges sending (Y/N) against the wall. He threw the door off of him to have an aura surround him that made him shake a little. He looked up to see a tall ship girl, "I wouldn't move if I were you pirate."


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