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A month had gone by, things between you and Akaashi Returned to normal. Farina teases you about him sometimes but it doesn't bother you that much, she's just joking around. You always get so flustered.

He was currently at a training camp with the team, while you were stuck back at the school, decorating for this year's cultural festival. Each classroom has its teeshirts/dress-code for the festival.

Your classroom decided to stick with your uniform pants and skirts. Your class decided on a black tee shirt with a golden and white stripe across the middle, on the back would be your chosen class name in gold Vinyl. Farina was in the class next door to yours, so you felt a little more comfortable participating this year.

"Alright. Have you all voted on which event our class will be hosting?" The class rep leaned against the teacher's podium and furrowed her brows. She was annoying, what you would give to beat her ass.

You glanced out the window. It's been boring without Akaashi here.

"Let's draw our event from the ballot box." The class rep, Yukie pulled out the blue box with cheap foam stickers on it out and set it down, opening the cardboard lid and drawing out a pink slip of paper.

"And our class event will be.."

You kept your gaze out the window. Your mind all over the place. You wanted to enjoy the festival with Akaashi.

"Face painting, and Body-art!"

The sound of people cheering snaps you back to reality.

"What kind of body art?" The boy beside you raised his hand.

"Arms, face, neck, hands. Any appropriate spots." Yukie nods. The class is filled with chatter and people discussing what face paint they'd wanna do.

"We will have ten people at a time for painting, we will switch out every hour. For anyone who isn't painting, you will be cleaning up the tools, and refilling up waters." People begin volunteering.

You perk up, raising your hand out of nowhere to volunteer. Anyone who noticed looked at you, shocked. Including the class rep.

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't be raising my hand if I wasn't."

"Alright then, (y/n) you're in the second group. You clock in at the second hour." She smiles. You don't respond and sit there.

Day 2

The festival is in three days. Several groups volunteered to buy decorations and supply the face paint and face paint tools. Anyone else was told to stay back and decorate the room and make it
Look 'Welcoming.'

"Hey (y/n), mind hanging up the fairy lights?"

"Don't you think this is a bit much?"

"One of the rooms is doing a haunted house, they got a maze set up too! Our room is simple compared to everyone else's." The girl whined while handing you the lights. She had short brown hair with praise leading into a ponytail. Her name was Shizimiyu. Everyone else called her Shi-Shi.

"Fine, Could you help me hang them over the doors, Shi?" You asked. She looked at you, shocked.

"Did you just call me Shi?!" Her voice somehow got higher.

"Yeah, now help me with the Lights." You moved two chairs over and climbed on top of one to hang up the lights, she did the same and plugged them into the wall. The two of you then began to draw on the chalkboard.

Day 3!

The room was finished, fairy lights strung around the room,  desks and chairs turned to face painting stations. The body paint and tools were supplied.

You have to admit, your class can work fast. Especially when you're not being stubborn!

"It looks great, we even have time to spare." Yukie smiled. Everyone began printing out and drawing face paint designs.

"Hey (y/n)! Great job." Yuki came by.

"Thanks. But I didn't do much."

"You still came through, everyone's done their part to make this possible." God, she's so cheesy you wanna punch her, but also hug her at the same time?

"Yeah." You nodded. She walked to go help someone and you left the classroom. A sigh escapes your lips after exiting the doors and heading to Farina's classroom who's just next door.

Peeking your head in carefully you can see what they've all got set up. You can see people fake sword fighting with pool floats??

"I'll never let you harm the Angel princess!" Farina's voice calls from the other side of the room.

"We'll see about that.." a male voice says before roaring at her, you hear the sound of the pool floats hitting against each other. Yep. A play.

"Oh, (y/n)!" Farina pushed past the guy after she noticed you. She stepped out of the room with you and smiled while removing her mask.

"What're you wearing." You say while looking her up and down. She had a fake chest plate on, along with shoulder "armor" and fingerless gloves.

"You like?" She grinned while swinging her pool float like a sword.

"You look like a cheap party clown."

"Don't be so mean!" She whined. "I'm supposed to be a royal night." She wiggled the pool float and you both giggled.

"So what's your play about?"

"Okay so. The evil storm lord is trying to capture the Angel princess, I'm her royal night who's also her soulmate, but I Don't know that yet, I feel the undying need to protect thy fair maiden'!" She spun the pool float.

"I thought you'd wanna be the princess."

"No, I wanted to make the costumes. But this is a lot more fun."

"Can I see what you guys have so far?"

"No, not till we perform. Be there!" She walked back to the room before turning around once more. "I shall see you on the morrow." She aimed her fake sword at me, it drooped slightly.

"The festival doesn't start tomorrow." She shut the door before you could finish your sentence.

You decided to roam the halls, for now, seeing what other people have so far. Mainly is just Cafe's.. talk about overused. Though You did see a room for standup comedy and a haunted house.

The sky was dyed beautiful shades of gold and pink as the sunset. The light seeped through the window, flooding the somewhat empty room in those beautiful colors. People began to leave the building. You watched from the window.

You found yourself thinking of Akaashi Again. Wondering if he'd be back for the festival. Wondering if he'd come to your classroom. Hoping.

"(y/n), let's go!" Farina opened the classroom door.

"Coming, sorry!" You glared at anyone who was giving her a dirty look. Once you made it to her you smiled. You two left the building and began walking down the street.

"So, you're spending the festival with Akaashi right?"


"What..." she whined. "But it'd be like a date!"

"He's away at a training camp."

"Oh." Farina frowned. "He may be back by then, you never know."

you hope so.

Is this Cliche?
Most definitely.
Does that mean it isn't cute..?
No, it's cute. But cheesy...

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