Chapter 1

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The air bit my face as I plunged through the darkness that seemed to swallow me up further from the town I went. It was eerily quiet; not like how I'm used to hearing the town when the streets were bustling with people. A low hum that showed the town was alive wasn't there anymore. So, I ran faster with the heaviness of the night swallowing me whole. The farther I ran the darker it grew. All for the best I suppose, he wouldn't find me this way. Actually, he was the best seeker I knew, it was only a matter of time before I was caught, but I didn't know where he was, and I hoped he didn't know where I was. The town had faded into the distance as I reached the border. I slowed my pace to a light jog, looking for a hiding place. There wasn't much out here with the woods looming across the plain of grass. I stood gazing at them, watching as they majestically seemed to breathe in the night air with the wind rustling the trees. The cold air bit my face, and I was broken of the spell as I quickly crawled under the brush of a large bush, knowing he was right behind me. Not a moment later, I heard the pounding footsteps of my pursuer as he came down the same path I had. I tried to slow and quiet my breathing as he drew closer. He came so close I could see his boots on the outside of the bush. I shut my eyes, wishing him to another place.

"Boo." He yelled while pulling the leaves of the bush apart. I jumped out of my skin, opening my eyes as he pulled me up and out of the bush.

"Matt!" I shoved him away, "Why are you so good at this?" Matt had been my best friend ever since we were kids. I was there when he had his first girlfriend, that lasted all of 17 minutes. He was there when I went out on a date with a guy who ended up standing me up. We have always been the town troublemakers, always being up to something but it was fun.

"I don't know. Maybe, why are you so bad at this is a better question." he snarked back. I stomped off into the grass, "I'm working on it!" I mutter.

"The art of hide-and-seek is an ancient yet sophisticated—" his dramatic monologue was interrupted as I stole his hat and ran further into the meadow. He caught up a few strides later and ripped his hat back from me. "I know," He said, "I choose a game now. It's my turn"

"What game?"

"Truth or dare." He grinned

"No way." I cross my arms,

"Yes way." He crossed his arms and mimicked my posture. Then asks, "come on, it's just us, it will be fun!"

"I'm bad at that game too though. Why can't we play a game I'm actually good at?"

"Like what?" he challenged. I didn't respond. He looks pointedly back at me.

"Fine." I sighed, my eyes rolled, and my shoulders dropped. 'You go first. Truth or dare?" He thinks for a second, "Truth!" he finally says.

After contemplating for a moment, I ask, "Why do you always play games with me even though you win all the time?"

"Challenging one's self is like a critical part of delving into the inner personality to grow—"

"Yeah, yeah ok I get it. My turn." I casually started walking ,

"Alright." He follows, "Truth or dare?"

I feign contemplation, already knowing what I was going to pick. "Dare!" I grin.

"Alright, Reese, I see you!" He mocks. We stopped walking as we realized how close to the woods were and a heaviness filled the air. We both stared at the woods, even darker in the trees than out here in the open.

"I dare you," He breaks the silence, "to go get a leaf from one of those." He points to the woods.

"Easy." I say and start walking. I didn't get very far before an old man in what looked like very tattered clothes came running out of the woods towards us. He was yelling something but it was unintelligible. Before I could say anything to Matt, a rope wrapped expertly around the man's waist, and he was whipped back into the wilderness, still screaming. The silence was suddenly overwhelming as I felt entirely too close to the trees that now, I felt, were watching me closely. Matt and I made eye contact with each other, tearing our eyes off the scene we just witnessed, and tore back down the path towards the town simultaneously.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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