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If you've made itall the way through the book, I appreciate your dedication and hopeyou enjoyed the experience. This was my first book, written severalyears ago and finally uploaded in its entirety to the internet aftermy failure to publish it. I do have a confession: this story will notbe proceeding in its current form.

The truth is that Ican do more with Lily and Rowen than what's been done here, withinthe confines of what wolves would be capable of both technologicallyand socially. While not realistic in any sense of the word, what I'vewritten here is close to its limit in terms of complexity. As such,I'd like to expand this story to a universe where wolves evolved intosomething that reflects us technologically and socially, which willallow me greater leverage over character development, the charactersthemselves, and the story. Also, being completely honest, spacestuff. Ships. Planets. Stars. I want to proceed with a sci-fi fantasyworld with a touch of spirituality.

If you've enjoyedthe story so far and are disappointed that this will not becontinuing, let me put your mind at ease. Lily and Rowen will bereturning. You'll also meet some of the other characters again, andthe general themes will be intact. And, Amarusa isn't going anywhere– you'll learn more about her. Much more.

What you'veexperience here is not in vain. Without letting my inner thoughts outtoo much, the story you witnessed isn't necessarily false, or withoutrelevance to what is to come. Perhaps Lily and Rowen have met before– perhaps their story extends well beyond the lifespan of a wolf.And though their connection may transcend time, their struggles willalso follow. Maybe you will join them?

Thank you for reading!

- Wolfalisk

The Story of Lily & Rowen: AmarusaWhere stories live. Discover now