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One Day left.

One day before the cultural festival. Farina was Ecstatic. Today was 'dress rehearsal.' She had her hair done in two braids that connected to her head, she was holding her mask. Her sword was still at the school, and she had mostly dark clothes on.

"So promise me you'll stop by to watch my class's play tomorrow?"

"I promise." You nod.

"Great! I would stop by for face paint but I don't think I can because of the play."

"It's cool." You nod. "If you catch a break we should stop by one of the many class cafes there are.

"Absolutely." Farina grins. You two enter the building, Farina waved before catching up with a girl wearing a petticoat under her skirt. You make your way to your classroom.

"(y/n)!" Shizimiyu Waved you over by her and another girl. You froze in place. Why's she inviting you over? You're not friends with her.

"(y/n)!" She called to you one more time before you slowly made your way over to her and the other girl.

"Gosh so slow girl." The other girl, you think her name is Khloe. You furrowed your brows. She giggled.

"I'm just kidding with you, sit down we don't bite!" Khloe gestures to the empty seat. You quickly sat down.

"We should all practice Painting on each other's hands. I was thinking a flower maybe?" Shizimiyu glances at you both. "If that's okay with you?" Why're they being so nice to you, usually they'd avoid you.

"That's fine."

"Great! I'll go first, let me see your hand." Shizimiyu held her hand out. You carefully rated your hand in hers. She smiled at you then began to paint a small flower on your hand, using the sponge to add a pink color.

For the rest of the time you were there, you all practiced small designs on each other's hands. You became close with Khloe and Shizimiyu. This is the first time you've made friends since Farina.

"Why brown Shi-Shi?" Khloe whined.

"The pigment of it is nice!"

"What flowers have you seen that are brown?"


"Name one."

"I can't name one off the top of my head!" The girls went back and forth. You ended up laughing, catching the attention of the two girls. They looked at you in awe. You covered your mouth and furrowed your brows.

"Your laugh is everything (y/n)." Khloe let out a chuckle.

"Your smile is so pretty! I'm jealous." Shizimiyu began painting small rings around each of her fingers. You looked down and watched as she painted.

Something out the window catches your eye. You look over and see a bunch of boys piling off of a bus. You had your eyes Set on Akaashi.

Almost shooting in out of your chair to look out the window.

"(y/n)!?" Shizimiyu draws a line across her hand, startled.

"Ah, the volleyball team is back." Khloe Crossed her arms and leaned against the window.

"I'll be back." You made your way to the door, the two girls giggled.

Akaashi is back. The only thought that ran through your mind as you walked toward the stairs, quickly making your way down.

"Akaashi." You managed to catch up with him.

"Oh, (y/n)." He turned around and smiled. You hugged him, luckily no one saw you. Except him. He looked shocked. But his face softened.

"Welcome back." You took a step back and cleared your throat.

"Thank you. How's the decorating going?"

"It's pretty good, mostly everyone's done already for tomorrow." You two began walking.

"What's your class doing?" He asked you.

"Face painting." You showed him your hand. "Two girls in my class were practicing on my hands." He gently held your hand to look at the painting spread across your skin.

"What're you doing weirdo.." you mumbled, the feeling of butterflies returned.

"Looking at the paint, it's a flower right?" He examined your hand, looking at your blank palm before letting go.


"I'll stop by your classroom tomorrow."

"Wait you don't have to."

"I want to." He looked back up.

"Your class might need you." You protested as you both made your way down the hall.

"My class did a bunch of carnival games like ring toss and another game where you have to pop balloons with darts. You can win prizes."

"That sounds fun."

"Not as fun as a haunted house." He frowned. Your brow twitched.

"More fun than face painting." You nudged his ankle with your foot. He smiled at you.

"When you're not painting people's faces, we should see that play The class next door to yours put together."

"Farina is in that class, I already planned on seeing it." You nodded. You and Akaashi walk down the hall for a while, talking amongst yourselves and taking a sneak peek at what some of the other classes put together. You really wanna see the "fortune teller."

"I gotta get back to my classroom." You stop in front of a set of stairs.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded. You head up the stairs and back to your classroom.

"Welcome back!" You're greeted by Shizimiyu doing Khloe's face paint. You nodded and crossed your arms.

"Shi hurry up!" Khloe whined.

"I need to finish the nose chill out." Shizimiyu was painting a cad on Khloe's face.

While she did that you decided to take a seat, you practiced on your palm, which was a challenge due to the creases in your hand.

School ended as fast as it started. The festival
Was tomorrow and everybody was all ready. You walked home with Shizimiyu and Farina you all walked the same route home and broke off at the corner store.

After that, you all went your separate ways.

"Mom, dad I home!" You call out while entering the house.

"Where were you?"

"School, mom." You furrowed your brows. "Tomorrow is the festival so it'll run a bit later than today."

"Fine, if you plan on being out real late don't come home." Your mother said coldly.

"Right, where's dad?"

"Staying at a hotel overnight. I kicked him out." You didn't respond. You assumed it was just because of another fight.

"I guess I'll stay at Farina's house." You sighed and took your shoes off before heading upstairs and shutting your door. You got changed and walked to the bathroom to wash your hands.

Once you walked back into your room you locked the door. You spent the rest of the night in your room in case your dad tried to barge in.

You know one day you'll leave. So you don't let this bother you too much.

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