The End

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A/N: I apologize for not placing this here before I published this piece. But there are a few triggers in this chapter. If you can't read about rape or any of the sort, then please turn away. I apologize to the ones who have already read it and couldn't finish it.

Those last few moments of your life are the ones that count. As you sit or lay there, staring at nothing in particular and think of everything you have done in your time of living only to lead up to this point.

You have no clue as to what's going to happen next, all you know is that your gut feeling is telling you that its time.

People say that you see an angel, before you die, one that is there to relieve you of all your pain and guilt. Sorrow and fear. No one knows when that angel comes, only knows that when you know deep down that its time you call for him/her without knowing and the angel comes.

Alex has been through a lot in her life. She has been through molestation. Abuse. Greed. Betrayel. And abandonment. So as she lays there on the ground, staring up into the gray sky, she knows that everything that has happened to her leads up to this.

Oh what a way to end things. At the age of 29 she can slowly feel her life draining away. She has no regrets. She was able to meet the person of her dreams and marry them. For five years. Become a successful Author. And show everyone who doubted her  that she can do something with her life.

"We meet again,"

Alex let her sky blue eyes travel next to her, spotting a beautiful being in nothing but black. The shoes, the pants, the dress shirt and even the hat to hide most of their face. She knew though, knew that it was a woman. A very beautiful woman.

Indeed, Alex has came into contact with this woman a few times in the past but refused to go with her. She wasn't ready and even the angel knew so.

The first time was while her father raped her in her room. She had looked off into the distance and spotted the woman, at that time she didn't wear a black Fedora hat like she was now. No, she had a hood on instead. And she kept her eyes on Alex's while she watched the young girl reach out to her.

"I can take you away from here my child. All you have to do is say yes and you'll be free,"

Alex let a tear fall while her father pounded into her. Her eyes glanced over to a picture on her wall. One of her mother and sister and herself smiling wide. That's when she knew that she couldn't leave them just yet. So she looked back to the woman and shook her head slowly. The woman vanished.

The next time they met had been years down the road after her family got away from her father. But this time she found herself being beaten by a few girls from her high school. Calling her a dyke and pervert. Alex, again, glanced over to see the woman again. This time she had nothing on her head which allowed Alex a real look of the angel.

Long wavy black hair and intense hazel eyes. Full plump lips and sculpted cheek bones and jaw line. This woman was the definition of beauty. And Alex felt her heart rapidly pound in her chest.
"I'm here before you again, my child. Let me take you," the woman tried once more. Alex closed her eyes, a flash of her pregnant baby sister  came to view. She reopened her eyes and again shook her head. The woman vanished.

And now. The third time they meet, Alex is laying in the middle of the concrete, people around her. She had saved a little boy from getting hit by a car. Pushing him out of the way just as the sports car slammed into with force, breaking her legs and spine. As she hit the wind shield, shards of glass entered her body as well as breaking some of her ribs from the impact. Her body hit the ground with loud yet dull thud.

"I believe it is time, Alexandra," the woman spoke. Her voice was magical, like silk or bells ringing.

Alex blinked slowly, coughing a bit. Blood spurting from her mouth as a result to blood being inside of her lungs. She could hardly breath as it was.

She could faintly hear the love of her life's voice telling her to hold on and that they loved her. But her focus was on the woman that inched closer. Eventually kneeling down be side her and tipping her hat back.

"Are you ready?"

Alex swallowed, "I......I'm ready." Was her last response just before the woman cupped her cheek and leaned forward slowly. Just as her lips locked with Alex's, two big black feathered wings emerged from her back and spread out wide. A few feathers floating into the air.

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