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Nayeon's POV

Ever since me and Momo started dating, I've been seeing and hearing weird things.

My brain keep on flashing an image of a random girl sometimes when I'm with Momo, but I can't really familiarize her face because it's like a blur.

The scenes of that girl... it's always the same as what Momo is doing. Her voice too, I can hear it sometimes.

I keep on having weird dreams too, but everytime I wake up, I forget bout everything.

"Ah~ I'm booooreeeddd~" I stretched.

Momo still has classes. Should I just hangout with Sana?

I dialled Sana's number and she immediately answered it.

(A/N: sana and nayeon's convo are in japanese.)

"Sana-chaaan~" I spoke.


"Are you busy?"

"Not that much. Why?"

"Can I hangout with you? I'm bored to death." I groaned.

"Sure. Tzuyu's coming, too. I'm currently waiting for her." I grinned.

"Or... never mind. I'm just going to wait 'til Momo's classes are over."

"What? Why?"

"I don't want to be a third wheel." I laughed.

"Th-third wheel? What are you talking about? Just come over, will ya?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just going to fix myself." I said and ended the call.

Well, yes. Momo has been teaching me Japanese when we got close so, I know how to speak a little bit of it. Me and her bestfriend, Sana also became close because of her. And Sana's girlfriend, Tzuyu. I don't know if they're official though, but seems like it.

I fixed myself and immediately waited for a cab. As I entered the cab I immediately chatted Momo.


You: babyyyy

You: you're probably
busy right now

You: me, sana, and tzuyu
are hanging out at sana's
place. please come over, i
don't wanna be a third
wheel. :((((

You: love uuuuu reply
when your classes are
done (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

It didn't take that long when I arrived at Sana's place.

"Hi." I greeted as I entered the house, but I only see some empty chips and empty cans.

Where the hell are they?

Are they perhaps...

"Are you guys fucking?" I knocked on Sana's bedroom door.

"Wh-what the-- you're already here, Nayeon?"

Yeah, looks like they're doing it.

"Yeah. Dress up, I don't want to see the two of you naked." I laughed and went to the living room.

"Hey! We aren't f-fucking! We're just cuddling!" Sana shouted.

Yeah, yeah, whatever it is.

As they went out of the room, Sana fixed her hair. Their lips are kinda smudgy. Did I just ruined their moment? OMG.

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