6. Tea

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Kazama glowered at the wooden door as if it was the cause of all his misery. And the biggest misery was that he didn't know the reason behind his misery. He looked at his watch once again. It was fifteen minutes past four. His English class started at four and he had made the choice to skip it. He still didn't know if it was a wise decision.

Shinchan was probably not even home. He could be at his stupid date. Hands raised to knock, he changed his mind and turned away.

Walking a few steps, he changed his mind again and came back to knock.

No one answered and heart sinking, he made himself accept the fact that he really wasn't home.

He was about to turn away when he heard the door opening. He whipped around to find the taller boy looking at him in surprise. He was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and Action Kamen pajamas. His raven hair was ruffled and his eyes looked tired above his red nose.

"Hi, sorry if I woke you," Kazama said with a small wave.

"Hi yourself. And nope, I was just watching TV. So did you get lost on your way to your tuition?" Shinchan massaged the back of his neck as if he had slept in a bad position.

"I didn't go today. I came to see you."

His eyes widened and he looked like he wanted to say something but didn't, which was very unlike Shinchan.

"So, can I come in?" Kazama asked, smiling at the boy, who looked too taken aback to smile back.

Shinchan looked confused but let him in. They went to the living room where a women's beach volleyball game was screening. Shinchan went to sit in his fort of mattress and pillows and grinned goofily at the game.

Kazama understood what it was about. Irritation gnawed at him and he picked up the remote from the floor and turned it off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Shinchan protested from his fort.

"Since when do you watch volleyball?" He frowned.

"Since whatever date it is today. It's a nice sport," he snickered, a blush covering his cheeks.

"I know why you think that." Kazama rolled his eyes and sat beside him on the mattress.

"Don't you think they're hot?" Shinchan asked. His heart was racing at sitting so close to Kazama.

He shrugged, playing with the hem of his shirt , "I don't think about it much." And looked up suddenly, "Aren't you supposed to be on a date?"

"Huh?" Shinchan said cluelessly. He felt a vibration next to him and saw that he had received a series of texts. He opened it to see that they were all from Nene:

Miss Bossy - If kazama asks, Ai asked you out and you said YES!!!!!

Miss Bossy - Im sick of u guys mooning at each other. And u r hopeless without outside help!! So just say yessss idiot!!!

Miss Bossy - ruin my plan and ill kill u


He looked up from the phone at his friend, vaguely understanding what Nene was trying to do, "No not today. I'm sick."

Kazama reached to feel his forehead and Shinchan almost fell backwards at the surprise attack "Um. I'm all right."

The other boy looked pained, "I- I'm sorry. It's because of me. I shouldn't have asked you to go out in the rain. I'm such an idiot. I'm really sorry, Shinchan."

"No no. It's just a stupid cold. Not your fault. I'm out in the rain all the time. I like rain," he rushed to say, hating to see him looking like that.

"You want something? I think I can make tea.." he trailed off looking in the direction of the kitchen, which Shinchan was sure he had never had cause to enter before.

"Okay sure, as long as you don't poison me," he laughed.

Kazama blushed and got up, "I'm not that terrible. Just wait here."

Shinchan didn't wait of course. He followed him to the kitchen and watched as he fumbled around the stove. Kazama let out a triumphant hoot when he finally got water boiling.

Though he spilled more leaves than he used, Shinchan wasn't going to complain. His cheeks hurt from how hard he was grinning. He didn't need tea to get better. Just watching Kazama's brows creasing in concentration, his teeth digging in his lips of their own accord as he worked, made him forget he was sick at all.

"I told you to wait!" Kazama huffed when he finally saw him standing there.

Balancing the tea in his hands, he shooed him out back to the living room.

Kazama made him sit on the mattress and proudly presented his tea with a flourish, "There!"

Shinchan laughed again, his laugh bordering on giddiness, "What are you doing?"

"Helping? I may not be as pretty a nursemaid as Ai Chan is but I'm all you've got so suck it up and drink it," he declared, feeling bolder and not quite himself.

Shinchan wanted to tell him that he was so much more beautiful to him than Ai Chan but remembering what Nene had told him to do, he stopped himself.

Taking the cup from him, he took a sip as Kazama watched nervously, having never made anything in his life.

He coughed as he swallowed, "This is..tea?"

"Yup, I can also make coffee if you want!"

His cough turned into a laugh, "No thanks. I am good."

Kazama realised he was being laughed at and kicked him in the shin, "Shut up and finish it, stupid."

He gulped down the tea and grinned, "I was kidding. This is the best- what was it again?"

Kazama kicked him again, "I'm never making you anything again."

With wide grins plastered on both their faces, they fell into a comfortable silence, something they hadn't shared for a long time.

"Don't date Ai Chan," Kazama blurted out, all of a sudden.

Shinchan's lips twitched, "And why not?"

"I- she's not good enough for you," he said hastily, not sure where he was heading with this.

"Then who's good for me? You?" Shinchan asked, enjoying the flustered look on his face.

"Don't be silly. I just don't get why you'll suddenly go out with her when you've been avoiding her advances all these years," he looked at Shinchan, really wanting an answer.

He shrugged, "What is it to you? She's pretty and she bribes me with chocobi whenever she wants something. Try saying no to that. And she doesn't hate me like someone else I know."

Kazama flinched, "You know I didn't mean that. You just get on my nerves sometimes."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. Now get me that coffee you offered like a good boy, Toru," he ordered and Kazama kicked him again.

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