I feel myself slipping away

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What the heck hm?

Oh. My alarm.

The alarm silences after I turn it off.
I really wanna sleep more but unfortunately I need to make a living somehow. Another dime another day? No no no that wasn't the saying. Another day and other dollar. No that doesn't sound right. Another day... another money.

Oh and I'm eating breakfast already. Another day another nickel.

Wow the whole day went by in a blur. Guess my head was somewhere else or I just got a crazy amount of work done. Either way, today was pretty nice. Hm. What time is it?

Ha. It's dinner o'clock. Dinner? O'clock? Dinner time? Dinner tieyime. Dinayer tieyime. Hm I cook pretty nice. I wonder how I would look with crazy colored hair? How would I look? What even is crazy colored hair? Haaooom. Man. I'm tired.



Message from Chris.



I never caught your name?

look at my twitter username
its my name but backwards
not that hard to get lol

Oh!  Sorry about that.

No worries :)

I was wondering if you have a discord?

i do have discord

We have a discord server and We'd
love to have you on the server. 
We have memes, we play games,
and we have a great time.
Whatcha think?

sounds good
whats your discord?

It's YallGotAnyBeans#0784

look out for an anime pfp

Alrighty. All done. Sent in the friend request to Chris. And there we go. I'm in a server now.

I get welcomed into the server and I say howdy as well.
My fingers flick with my eyes to the server list. Hm. It's just a bunch of youtubers and other people that I've never heard of.



!discontinued! Chris (ex mr beast team) x reader. [For hashtagissharp]Where stories live. Discover now