Snow White and the Witch

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Gold ashes clashed with Violet thunder.

To survive she remained starved. Abandoned and left at a doorstep of what seemed a bright furure. Poor Constance grew up the life of a slave girl trapped within the dark grasp of jealous hearts. Blessed with incredible beauty, Enchanted with the purest of hearts, cursed with demons for guardians.

The king, mounted on a white horse, saw her amidst the lush leaves of the forest trees, strolling the woods was a women with sun gold hair and lips, a blush of pink. her hair was tangled with leaves and her beautiful white face was scarred with twigs and branches. The women sighed and told the striking man in clothes of royalty, her tragic past. The King was hurt that people could be so harsh in his kingdom, he worked so hard on to make soft. He asked to marry her there within the green and brown comforts of the ancient woods. Constance, thinking her life couldn't  go worse, agreed.

Constance was gifted a mesmerizing necklace by the king. Carefully crafted and ancient, The necklace took more of the Queens attention day by day. Since the day she wore it, she has never taken it off. After entering the grand grey castle, she was hugged by a five-year-old Snow-White. Constance didn't mind the little girls affection and embraced the girl. 

When Snow-White was 7, her father was buried away leaving Constance as Queen and Snow-White devastated. The hurt princess cried the night of his passing. Although, The Queen grew distant to Snow-White, she entered her daughters chambers and comforted her. All of Adalwin  dried their hearts. It was a troubling night for the Kingdom..

After 11 years of that tragedy, One afternoon, Snow White couldn't be found by anyone. Eris, her childhood friend, working for the queen as a Royal Councilor, was worried sick. the queen still hadn't heard the news as she was out of the kingdom. Eris was respected by the Queen, so much so that she had access to the Queen's room when she wasn't in the castle.

Eris informed the knights to search for the princess around the kingdom, and the maids to search for her in the castle


Deep in the forest, Snow-White retraced her steps but got more lost than before, after walking many miles she decided to rest under an Apple tree. The apples on it seemed fresh so she also had some of those. A while later, she woke up to multiple voices talking all at once. It was some animals she's never met before. Snow-White was gifted with the ability to understand animals. For a long time, she talked with them and listened to the birds singing. They kept her company but when Snow-White asked for the way home they said the Kingdom of Adalwen is unknown to them.


Back at the castle after Eris was finished with the duties the queen gave her, she went to the Queen's room. A small mirror Sat on the dressing table. 

"Mirror Mirror in my hand, show me the Queen amongst this land"

The mirror envisioned Constance in a dinner with the King and Queen of a nearby land. When the necklace glowed red, Constance grabbed it. Hiding the magical necklace for spectators. Eris's whisper echoed through the necklace "Your presence is required." the Queen had heard.

Eris, a witch in secret, witnessed her parents death when she was 7. the King found out they bear magic and ordered their deaths. She was charmed with her mother's protection spell at the time, promising her of safety. Fleeing from the collapsed tent she was found by one of the King's Knights and was kept in the castle and raised to be one of the most cherished councilors the kingdom has. No-one except Constance knew she was a witch and No-One knew she wanted cold revenge on the King.

After returning, The Queen hurried to her room informing the guards to not let anyone in.

Eris casts a spell to make Constance look like Daniela, Snow-Whites true mother. She was to lure Snow into the mirror with herself so Eris could take her blood and grant the Queen Immortality. She was oblivious to Eris's true plan which was to murder her and Snow-White. After which she would rule the kingdom.

Eris opened a portal to Snow-White.

When Constance saw how peaceful Snow-white looked her heart grew soft and the necklace glowed bright blue, Eris, who was watching from the mirror, understood, Constance wouldn't bring Snow-White. With a spell, she tightened the necklace's grip around the queen's neck and heart so it bends against her will. The force caused Constance to Fall on her knees.

The thump caught Snow-Whites attention and was loud enough to scare away the animals surrounding her. " Mother.." knowing well that her mother had died years ago she couldn't help but walk towards her mother whom she'd never even met.

Constance, on the grass, was breathing with Eris's voice whispering "she'd be grateful you reunited her family"

Constance shacked her head, she couldn't do this. "you must!" Eris raged with anger and the necklace turned obsidian, burning the queen's neck.

Snow-White was only inches away before she stopped "Mother.." her eyes shone bright blinding Constance but somehow spreading energy. 

"Snow... " Constance gulped.

Snow-white eyes stopped glowing and hope took its place in her heart, was she going home?

Constance glanced behind her where Eris stood in the mirror with a tired look. Eris nodded.

Her words echoed in the queen's head. 'she'd be grateful you reunited her family'

Constance knew what she had to do "Yes."

Snow-whites eyebrows furrowed

Constance tried to convince the princess"Come daughter, I shall take you home"

"Step-Mother" Constances' eyes widened slightly but she was quick to regain composure. "Eris promised you immortality for my blood." Light shone brighter from Snow-Whites frame.

Before Constance could deny it, Snow-White spoke again "But she's lying, she wants to kill you"

A shadow grabbed Constance and was bringing her back to the mirror. the light from Snow caught the struggling Queen Constance before Eris could take her.

Eris realized, Snow-White was also a witch and decided to use this information to her advantage "Your also a witch, aren't you? Then how can stand the injustice done to witches! My parents were murdered by the King all because they were magic-users!"

Before Snow-White could say anything, Eris used all her strength to bring Constance into the mirror and snow-white right in front of her, the red and white ombré necklace dropped to the ground with a clink. shard scattering. Constance had went into the mirror and vanished. 

With a gush of black and white energy Snow-White charged at Eris and was blocked by one of Eris's shield spells. Eris blocked most of Snow-Whites advances. "We can-" Pushed into the room, Eris tried to speak. But Snow-Whites rage enhanced her magic and stopped Eris. 

Eris was a powerful witch. She was skilled in the feild of magic and she refused to be stopped by a weakling princess that depends upon others. She caged Snow-White in a purple bubble.

Snow-White used all her energy but the bubble didn't pop. 

"Bring her back!" Snow shouted.

"We're witches. We don't need anybody. And we Will make this kingdom with a throne of justice!" Eris tried bringing sense to the grieving girl she bubbled. 

"my parents..." Snow-White said in between tears. Eris told her it'll be okay and that she won't hurt Snow-White. Snow knew she had no other choice so with a heavy heart she ruled alongside the witch that killed her mother. 

The heavy heart grew light and Snow once again befriended a witch. Only this time their friendship held honesty. The kingdom became strong and a safe home for humans and witches. The people saw bright future in the hands of their rulers.

Snow-White, The Obsidian Queen and the Shadowy WitchWhere stories live. Discover now