muffin - evesou

343 25 9

» pairing : eve x sou
» genre : fluff
» words : 483


"go. talk. to. him"

Sou ignored the words that came out of his friend, Nqrse's mouth. He was far too busy admiring the barista who was currently taking orders.

"He looks so cute with those glasses...his hair looks so fluffy too..."

"I wouldn't even stand a chance." the brunette sighed, resting his face in his hands.

"Look. You're cute. He's cute. BOOM. You're both married." Nqrse said, a little too loudly for the younger's liking.

Sou gave the pink haired a small glare, his face flushing pink. "Yeah. Say it even louder for the whole world to hear."

The brunette panicked, quickly covering nqrse's mouth seeing that the other was about to open it. "I was joking!!"

The pink haired shrugged shoving a donut in his mouth. "You're so stubborn. Just go ask him for his number."

The young brunette groaned, slumping in his chair. "Should i?" "What if I get rejected..."

With a deep breath, sou got up from the wooden chair, a confident look on his face.

Nqrse's eyes followed curiously. He watched as Sou walked almost robot like towards the counter.

"Hello! What would you like to order?" The boy at the counter asked, his smile seemed to grow wider as he saw Sou.

The simple gesture made sou scream internally.

"Can i- uhm.. C-Can I get a chocolate chip muffin!" Sou winced at his own words. He really wishes the ground could just open up and swallow him whole.

The barista chuckled. "Of course! I'll bring that to you once it's ready"

"Thank you!"

Sou practically ran back to his table. "I couldn't do it..." he muttered, burying his face in his hands.

Nqrse sighed patting the younger's head. "You're helpless."

"Thanks for the comfort" Sou groaned.


"Here's your muffin!"

Sou's locked eyes with the other. It was the boy from the counter. The brunette also noticed that the mushroom haired had bought two muffins.

"T-Thank you, but I only ordered one.." he said shyly.

"They're both on me. Enjoy!" He said walking off, but not before handing the brunette a slip of paper.

Call me cute boy <3
- Eve

Sou could tell he was steaming. He even forgot that Nqrse was in front of him until he heard him laugh very loudly.

"He called you cute and even payed for your food" he cackled.

Sou gave up hiding his furious blush. "Shut up! He probably heard you earlier." He groaned.

"Hmm I don't think so. It was probably your very obvious heart eyes towards him." The pink haired said wiping away a tear from his laughter.

Sou stared down at the price of paper, butterflies blooming in his chest. He didn't know much about the mushroom haired but he somehow felt very comfortable.
He also couldn't ignore the small smiles Eve would send him.

"I'm falling in love.."

A/N: Im back 😎

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