Lohan III

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Author's Note: Some paragraphs may be weirdly spaced. Sorry about this. The site is being stupid with my enter key. Also, my friends and I are not based in the USA, so the bit with the officers is based off of Hollywood and Google.

Lohan opens his eyes in a strange room. His eyes zero in on the only familiar thing.

"Lohan, it's me! Wake up!" Leigh's face is pinched with worry.

"Like my head is about to explode." He says. waves his arms around. 

"Personal space."

"Sorry!" She moves away and Lohan props himself up and looks around. "Where are-"

A no-nonsense looking woman walks in. Lohan's eyes widen. She's human. He can see her cells looking at him in curiosity. They can see him too.

He looks at Leigh to see if she's thinking the same thing. Her eyes are widened, he concludes that she is.

"Hello, I'm your doctor, Mrs. Smith." The lady looks very official.

She smiles at the twins. "Do you have a headache?" She asks. "Do you feel any pain?"

 "I feel a bit tired, but for the most part I'm fine." Leigh answers, and Lohan repeats the same.

"I'm fine too, just tired." Lohan says. Which is true. His headache had gone soon after he woke up. 

"Good." the woman jots something down in her notepad. "Okay. Do you remember why you passed out?"

Leigh and Lohan share a brief look, agreeing on something silently, and shake their heads. "No." they answer in unison. "Alright. You can go and pick up your clothes at the personal belongings stand." 

That's when Lohan notices he and Leigh are in hospital gowns, like the ones in that one movie their human watched. Mrs. Smith steps out of the room and just as quickly a young girl steps in.

 Lohan gasps quietly, and hears Leigh do the same.. It's their human! Worry colors the girl's expression and she steps towards them. "Are you guys okay? I found you both passed out in my front yard. My mother rushed you guys to the hospital."

"We're fine. A little disoriented but fine." He says, since Leigh is still staring at her in amazement.

Their human, Pearl, doesn't seem to notice as a taller woman, presumably her mother comes in with two other adults.

The adults are dressed in dark blue suit things with matching hats.

One of them steps towards them and bends a little so he's eye level with them.

"Hi, I'm Officer Louis, and this is my partner, Officer Desmond." The man nods towards the lady next to him.

"Can you tell us anything about yourselves?"

Leigh seems to snaps out of her shock and looks at the officer.

"I'm Leigh, and this my twin brother Lohan." She nods towards him.

The officer jots something down in his notepad.

"What about your surname?"

"My what?"

"Your surname."

Lohan sees her grow uncomfortable.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I just don't know."

The officer looks at Lohan.

"You don't know your surname?"

He's at a loss for words. In the body they never really needed last names. If two cells got married everyone just knew, somehow. There wasn't a need for name changes. The only cells who had last names where the eldest ones, like Leonard Lung and Kira Kidney. 

The officer seems to notice his confusion and asks, "You really don't know your surname?"

Lohan shakes his head.

The officer stands straight and moves  out of earshot, towards his partner, murmurs something, and then they move towards the doctor lady that had come in again.

Doctor lady (Lohan had forgotten her name) frowns as she listens to the officer talk. Then they all leave the room.

Immediately Lohan turns to his sister. "What on earth?" 

"No idea. It has never occurred to me that surnames matter here."

"I mean why are we here?"

"I have no clue. I remember you falling out of the scratch and I ran towards you and fell out too. And then lots of noise and pain and then here."

He leans his head back into the pillows and closes his eyes, trying to figure everything out. He can feel his headache returning.

They fell out of the scratch and their human saw them and got them to the hospital.

That part makes some sense.

The part that doesn't is why on earth they are human size.

He opens his eyes and his headache worsens and he feels sleep overtaking him. He adjusts himself under the covers and closes his eyes again, letting the softness of sleep overwhelm him.

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