Chapter 4

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Two weeks later, Oikawa got his wish, thanks to Iwaizumi begging his doctors to allow it.

Iwaizumi held onto him tightly as the hospital van pulled over the familiar gate of their high school. The guy, sitting quietly beside him, was looking outside. He looked tired, but he always looked tired nowadays… still, his eyes were shining brightly so Iwaizumi knew he was happy.

The nurses helped him put Oikawa to a wheelchair while Aiko who was excited since yesterday assembled the portable oxygen tank they were carrying. He secured the cannula over Oikawa’s ears before he proceeded to push him through the empty hallway of their high school to the place Oikawa wanted to see.

Their friends were already waiting for them at the entrance of the gym--Hanamaki and Matsukawa took a break from their wedding plans to drop by; the second years Yahaba and Watari took a leave in their respective corporate jobs in Tokyo while Kyoutani stepped out of his father’s ramen restaurant for the day. Even the first years, Kindaichi and Kunimi skipped their classes just to drop by. And they were all wearing the same awkward, sad-happy smiles.

A chorus of “Oikawa-san!” and “Oikawa!” was heard when they got nearer and the guy managed to give out a small smile, “Hey…” he said in a breathy whisper.

As planned, the rest of the nurses save for Aiko, excused themselves and went back to the van while their friends began animatedly talking about what they were up to all this time. Oikawa despite looking tired, listened eagerly at each one of them… looking at them straight in the eyes as they spoke as if he was memorizing their faces.

After their little stories, Iwaizumi announced the next plan, “Alright, let’s go change into our uniforms.” Oikawa looked up at him, eyes filled with questions. Iwaizumi grinned at him, “What? Did you think we just came here to chat? Of course, we’ll be playing volleyball.” He turned to Aiko who beamed up at him, “Can you handle him for a moment?”

Aiko nodded and Iwaizumi bent down and gave Oikawa a quick peck on the lips before he was off trailing behind the rest of their team who had already retreated back to where they left their bags.

A few minutes passed, and suddenly the men who were just wearing a collection of casual shirts and jeans stepped into the court wearing their old uniforms which were a little too tight in some places, as Yahaba told Kyoutani who growled at him.

But overall, they looked like they did many years ago and the image burned so bad in Oikawa’s eyes he was blinking back tears because he didn’t want to cry in front of everyone. Not when they sacrificed a day in their busy schedule just to see him.

Iwaizumi walked past him as they divided into two teams. “You okay, Tooru?” He asked and… did he really have to ask? He smiled, “You look hot in that uniform.” Oikawa said making Aiko laugh. Iwaizumi blushed--the uniform was a little taunt especially on his arms. He had grown some muscles over the years and Oikawa had never been shy to compliment him with it. “Yeah, thanks.”

“Hey, loverboy! Team’s already formed. Let’s start.” Matsukawa called out and Iwaizumi shrugged at Oikawa who smiled and shooed him off.

It was Iwaizumi-Matsukawa-Yahaba-Kunimi versus Hanamaki-Kyoutani-Kindaichi-Watari. The game was overall balances, except Kyoutani, in real Kyoutani fashion got riled up easily when Yahaba started teasing him. Hanamaki and Matsukawa couldn’t stop giving each other sleazy remarks even when Iwaizumi told them to cut it off or he’d kick them. Kindaichi and Kunimi just looked like they’re lost in the whole drama. The only person taking the game seriously, surprisingly, was Watari who served as the setter.

By the end of the game, they were breathless and exhausted not just from the physical activity, but from the endless banters they had to endure. At least, we won , was Iwaizumi’s competitive mind was telling him. He looked over at Oikawa, to find tears falling freely from his eyes as he smiled and clapped when the final score was announced.

The entire court fell silent, with only the solitary pair of hands cheering them on. Nobody knew how to react… what to say. Iwaizumi watched Hanamaki bite his lower lip and closed his eyes shut to stop himself from crying. And when he did that, almost everyone started shedding tears… for the amazing captain who now watched on the sidelines.

Iwaizumi didn’t cry. He walked towards Oikawa, knelt in front of him and wiped his tears away. “I love you.” Oikawa whispered, “Thank you for doing this.” Iwaizumi smiled, eyes never leaving Oikawa’s face, “As long as you’re happy.”

They stayed like that until the other members were calm enough to walk to him and gave him a resounding “Arigatou, buchou!” Bowing their heads so low. Aiko’s phone rang and both Oikawa and Iwaizumi knew what that phonecall meant. They have to go.

Oikawa let his eyes wander around the familiar court--his home for the happiest years of his student life. This was where he met this team... This family . “Thank you guys, for doing this for me.” He said, forcing out the words out of his mouth even when they sound hoarse and raspy, “You have no idea how much I wanted to go back here… to see this place and play volleyball with you…” a deep breath, “For one last time.”

Hanamaki was crying again, and this time he didn’t try to hide it. “I might not be able… to come back here after today.” He smiled, “But I will always… always treasure every memories I’ve had in the four corners of this court.”

Nobody said a word, everyone just sort of stood there, afraid to break the moment. Iwaizumi stepped in, “I guess, we have to go, guys. But really, thank you for doing this.” He didn’t wait for them to respond as both he and Aiko began wheeling Oikawa out the court… only to stop when Kindaichi yelled out “Captain!”

Iwaizumi stopped and turned Oikawa around to face them again. All of them were wearing a smile and suddenly they were high school students again… young, unafraid and wanted nothing else but to get into nationals.

“We trust in you!”

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