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United Nations International Humanitarian and Military Force (UNIHMF)

Formed in 2025, two years after the fall of the United States of America, the UNIHMF is dedicated to keeping world peace. It had Two Branches:

Military - Engage International and Local Threats, protect Civilians and other Military related operations
Humanitarian - Engage in Aiding people in need, build Societies and give people social help. 

Despite being a organization with good intentions, it used brutal and underhanded tactics to ensure that it's goals of Peace are met, and it's Military was filled with soldiers and officers with doubting loyalty 

Capital: New York
Population: 675 Million
United Nations Multinational Forces consists of 2 Million men and 1 million men in reserve

European Union

Weakened by the 2021 - 2026 Second Great Depression, the EU was immediately changed and expanded by Germany, France and Italy, elevating the EU out of Economic Depression, takes over Britain, North Africa and parts of the Middle East and turn them into Military mandates

Despite of the highest quality of living and economic prosperity, it's racked by being led by a oppressive Military Junta and it's control over it's member states are shaky

Capital: Brussels
Population: 600 Million People
European Continental Armed Forces is at least 2.5 Million Troops and at least 1 Million in reserve

Central Asian Alliance (CAA)

Formed as the New Asian Economic Cooperative from Nations from East Asia, But erroneously referred as Central Asian Alliance, it starts as a Economic Alliance before the 2025 ASEAN Militarization and the rise of the EU, which prompts it to Form a Unified Armed Forces

Although cooperation between the nations are positive, it's wracked by the disagreements between it's two leading nations in the alliance, and it's control over Central Asia and the Middle east was seemingly crumbling

Capital: Beijing
Population: 2.6 Billion
New Asian Armed Forces/People's Armed Forces of Asia has at least 3 Million men and at least 7 Million in reserve

Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN
Originally formed as a Association, it become a Military alliance once China Invaded Indochina, Rapidly defeating the Chinese Invaders. Soon they annexed Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, becoming a Regional power in the South east Pacific, elevating it from Depression and bringing prosperity.

Now ASEAN although seemingly dying and weakening, will not go down without a fight

Capital: Singapore
Population: 766 Million
SEA Armed Forces consists of 1 Million men and 1 Million in reserve

Coalition of African Nations
Forged by the efforts of ARC (African Recovery Cooperative) in 2028 in a bid to end the Congo Rebellions, it starts as a weak alliance, but aid from ASEAN and CAA and its own efforts prevented the Coalition from failing, now with a stable economy and a burning hatred at the EU for Seizing Northern Africa... COAN waits for its right moment to execute its plans. 

A Newly born alliance, despite being wracked by corruption, nepotism and a divided armed forces, many hoped for it to succeed despite the difficulties it faced

Capital: Addis Ababa
Population: 1 Billion
Coalition of Africa Defense Forces consists of 2 million men and 2 million in reserve

You can make OC characters for the said factions :D

The Timeline is coming soon don't worry

Update: I Overhauled some of the details
I think its way too bad

See ya later

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